White Berry in Heath Modified Waterfarms


Active Member
Heres my set up

600 watt HPS w/ Cooltube
3x3 Hydro hut tent
Waterfarm kit *modified

there are only 3 in there too, the bottom right was a blueberry skunk from toronto420 that hermied so I only have 3 of the buckets in use currently.

For the Waterfarms I drilled the holes bigger and alot more of em. Also place a water pump in the res to top feed the plants making it recirculate constantly. Airstones were placed in each bucket and res. I also drilled out the return hose and made it 1.25" to make sure the water could get back to the res quick enough.

I do constantly have my fan running but am still using CO2 because my ac unit I ordered didn't work, and I already had the CO2. I get my tank filled for $5 so i thoguht might as well run it.

They are around 30-35 days of flower Breeders states they finish in 50

The Set up



The Goods

sorry the pics arent that grat i found the camera when i was on spring break it's all i got haha




Active Member
Here are some updates.

These should be done within 2 weeks. i think i'll be at around 60+ days and the breeder calls for 50.

Next grow i will be switching from Gh nutes to Advanced as I found a local guy that carries the line. I'm also going to be going from clone and topping the next grow.


