white berry vs. blue cheese


Well-Known Member
i got some white berry veggin up myself... seems to be very popular. its even in high times for top 10 strains of the year.
Yeah it seems everyone is giving it a try, but I keep hearing such good things about it I had to jump on the bandwagon.


Well-Known Member
farmer when did you throw her into ver how many nodes just wondering cause I am at 6 didnt know if i should top her and keep her as mother or bud her then get new but she looks a lot like blueberry


Well-Known Member
im not sure i havent counted the nodes... but she was a clone that was in veg for about a month. if i were you i would top her then wait a month , then put her into flowering and on about the 10th day of flowering take couple clones from her...


Well-Known Member
If I top her I was going to top above the 4th veg the new top and flower out ty for the info though for sure is it a strong blueberry smell or more cheesy moldy like

Master Kush

Well-Known Member
BEWARE! Cheese is a nice strain. But the buds STINK! Like fucking rotten fruit and sometimes vomit. But it has plenty of chystals.


Well-Known Member
bluecheese smells like cheese but tastes like bluberry...its has a very distinctive smell thats for sho, kinda like a dead skunk!


Well-Known Member
so does anyone have any idea on which one is easier to grow and can tolerate stress better? I have a space that is 18"x5'x9' (so width is the only issue) w/ about 700w of CFL's; and i have fem bluecheese and white berry but I don't know which strain is better suited for my set up...any thoughts or advice would be great...im ready to germ asap....


Well-Known Member
no veterans out there with some words of wisdom on which strain i should grow for those conditions i described above??


Well-Known Member
I'd grab both strains. Really, It will cost you a couple extra bones, but if you buy the Blue Cheese you will always wonder if you should have chose the White Berry. My point is simple, I bet either one would work just fine with the set of parameters you have, just don't top them and they won't bush out too bad.


Well-Known Member
Here's some Big Buddha Blue Cheeze @ about 8 weeks. The little shit in the back is a fimmed belladonna from Paradise Seeds. Man, that cheeze smells good. Don't think the yield will be great but I'll report back on that. The White Berry sounds good, I'll have to try it!



Well-Known Member
thanks man, def let me know how the yield turns out on the blue cheese...im not starting my grow until Jan 3, and am still undecided on which strain to grow...how is the odor? im in an outdoor storage closet on the porch w/ a neighbor downstairs, is the odor super potent of marijuana w/ the blue cheese??


Well-Known Member
The odor is pretty good... or bad depending on how you smell it. From a security point of view the odor is something to be concerned about. Mine is in my furnace/water heater area and it has a tendency to migrate into my furnace cold air ducts and into the house. It bugs the wife and guests but only for the last 3 weeks!
It could be controled via a carbon filter it you didn't have more than 3-4 plants. More than that I would assume it would be more difficult to hide. I've been cooling them down at night pulling in cold mountain air and that helps a little.


Active Member
my buddy gets about an 1oz-1 1/2 oz dried off whiteberry SOG growing organic in 3gal pots and 1000w hps

grows 1 single cola. depends how long you will veg for the height. longer you veg the taller it will be but have not seen one over 3ft yet. most get 2-2 1/2ft


Well-Known Member
i love my big bhudda blue cheese! cant comment on the white berry or the taste/high of each, but the blue cheese has been an absolute pleasure to grow!

heres a pick of weeks 4 5 and 6 (2 weeks growth) of flowering



Well-Known Member
I am still vegging mine and I will say the blue cheese stinks. I have been using some plug in oil burners for what I have in flower but I had to turn the carbon scrubber on for the blue cheese. It is 8 nodes high. Yes it stinks that bad in veg and its one plant.