White Dwarf Beginners Grow

Geordie Blunt Boy

Active Member
Alright alright calm ya passions, England just beat the mighty Belarus 3-1 and I;m in an advanced state of refreshment.... Off to Portugal tomorrow so pics are 1 day short of 5 weeks. 20 feminsied White Dwarfs... All come through.. who'd a thought it

Plants are too big for me shed but looking good. The Biobizz, top max and bio bloom and bio grow are ace.

Well happy with how it's going, biggest plany gone 34 - 56cm in the last week since I started adding the two max and bloom every other day.

I need to add more soil to pots but haven't got round to it as soil is heavy and I travel by bike not car.

Can't do a Scrog, any advice on how to deal with limited space much appreciated.

2nd last pick is with me weeds moved about.

Final pick is from 6 days ago to show the contrast from then to now WOW.



Geordie Blunt Boy

Active Member
Pictures 6 weeks in. I think they're going to be ready to harvest at 8 weeks. Exactly what it says on the tin.

Tallest stand at 82cm, the biggest buds so far and definately the best looking one is at 46cm which is about average for the crop.






Well-Known Member
How are things going? Nice journal man update it more! More pics please. Need to know your yields on them as well. I was thinking about ordering some of them but i just dont know enough about them.


Active Member
Same as the guy above me... interested in an update and would love to find out how much White Dwarfs tend to yield. I saw something around an OZ (28-30g) but I'm not sure if that's dry or wet.... hopefully dry!


Geordie Blunt Boy

Active Member
Okay, gotta be honest here even though I'm pretty mortified by what I'm about to write, I started with 20 feminised plants, had a massive party for the US elections on Nov 4th so harvested 6 of the plants about a week before they were ready and got an average of 12.2g of nice nice smoke per plant.

Then disaster, I kept putting off harvesting the plants for various unavoidable reasons, parental visits ect, I noticed a few of the plants weren't doing to well, yellow leaves and they looked dry, which I thought was due to being too close to the heat or too much light so i turned both of these down and waited for my first chance to harvest. I wasn't keeping a close eye on my plants and when it came time to harvest I had a major infestation of what I know believe to be thribs (little fuckers with wings who lay tiny black eggs all over the underside of the leaves and on the buds). I paniced and harvested the last 14 plants, 10 of which had eggs on them, I figured my best chance to get rid of the little cunts was when they were dry and I could just scrape them off. I dried the 4 uninfested plants seperate and they seem okay, if a little sour. From the 10 "knackered" ones once dry I set about knocking/scraping all of the little black eggs off the dried plants with a siv and a toothbrush. The weed is now in jars and doesn't smell right, I assume it's fucked and I should bin it and start again.

Penny for anyone's thoughts. 1st grow, learning curve, still feel like an utter utter twat.



Well-Known Member
aw man that is a rite shitter. im tryin to figure out weather to harvest early like this weeknd and have christmas bud or harvest in bout a week or two and have birthday bud lol, well look on the bright side at least u've got so bud mate. but im sorry to hear bout that.

Geordie Blunt Boy

Active Member
I'm going to water cure the most thrib hit 1/4 of my crop and see what difference that makes to the ugly smell.

I've been air curing the rest for a week now and it's definately getting better.

The journey continues....