white flies and more white flies


Well-Known Member
5 weeks into flower and just noticed a bad case of white flies. I've read some people use Doctor Doom Bug Bomb. Anybody have any experience with this stuff? What about when this grow is over, what will totaly wipe this shit out. Please anybody that has run into this problem let me know how you got rid of it.


Well-Known Member
Oh man.. Those are the worst plague you can have... They multiply like crazy!!!! and it's almost impossible to irradiate just to control. They put millions of nasty eggs under the leaves, piuk all over them while fucking all over your plants. I tried all, the strongest pesticide, layer of sand on top of the soil, christ the leaves even burned but they prevailed... The white-fly sticky traps helps but start planing on cleaning, fumigating and starting from scratch without wasting time.


Well-Known Member
I'm not using soil and with only 3 more weeks starting over isn't a option. I'm thinking maybe i should cut all the fan leaves off, i don't want to use the fogger but i may have no choice. I'm really looking for somebody that has used the Doctor boom spray let me know ASAP if anybody could. This dude from the club said merit 75 but that shit isn't gonna fly this late in flower....SIGH


Well-Known Member
I was taking about your next grows dude. this one is already compromised
All good bro, i went and got some sticky traps and those little mofos are all over em already. What do you suggest i do to kill and keep em out once this run is over?


Well-Known Member
Nice to see you contained the situation! yea after harvest you should clean well your grow room, I'd do a pesticide nuke. Check your clones and all the plants in your house also, not only the ones in the garden.


Well-Known Member
You have to break the life cycle. Read up on how they live. The larva are munching on your roots even as we speak. The fliers are the least of your problems.

Please tell me your media and hydroponics method and I can give you some solutions without using to much poison or any poison at all.


Well-Known Member
You have to break the life cycle. Read up on how they live. The larva are munching on your roots even as we speak. The fliers are the least of your problems.

Please tell me your media and hydroponics method and I can give you some solutions without using to much poison or any poison at all.
6X6 hugos on coco mats


Well-Known Member
You're about to harvest man. NO PESTICIDES, you have it contained so DON'T DO NOTHING ELSE UNTIL HARVEST! just clean afterwards, nuke the room with pesticide and check for the next 2-3 days (their life spawn) in case you need more and then you'll be safe. Afterwards you must wash all the the room with diluted bleach, use garbage bags to get rid of the soil just do it as if you were transplanting into the bag and ditch it (Not in your yard). White flies are being underrated IMHO, I had a severe infestation in my garden that forced me to start from scratch, so plan ahead.


Well-Known Member
Jonny I don't know how large his plague is, while mine spread to other plants and rooms in the house as well it's possible that this is also his case, unless his venting from outside straight to to the grow room. I invested a lot in making my rooms sealed after my painful defeat against white flies so you can get a picture of how severe it was and my current aversion and precaution towards pest. Cleaning after harvest is also a good practice and many consider it a must do because it keeps mold, pest and fungus at line, preserves your gear and most importantly allows you to find and fix the source of the problem when it presents. He hasn't killed all the white flies in the world as far as I know, and if he doesn't plan ahead or make the right approaches it's most likely to happen again anytime. You don't have to be that serious about your grow, after all attitude is a decision.


Well-Known Member
Jonny I don't know how large his plague is, while mine spread to other plants and rooms in the house as well it's possible that this is also his case, unless his venting from outside straight to to the grow room. I invested a lot in making my rooms sealed after my painful defeat against white flies so you can get a picture of how severe it was and my current aversion and precaution towards pest. Cleaning after harvest is also a good practice and many consider it a must do because it keeps mold, pest and fungus at line, preserves your gear and most importantly allows you to find and fix the source of the problem when it presents. He hasn't killed all the white flies in the world as far as I know, and if he doesn't plan ahead or make the right approaches it's most likely to happen again anytime. You don't have to be that serious about your grow, after all attitude is a decision.
It's 2k with 2 4X4 trays, the room is over kill 13Wide 23Long 10high, and my ventalation isn't that great. Just 1 exhaust fan 10 inch max fan and i don't have it hooked up to any timer or stat. I cut a hole in the wall and put an attic fan on the outside of my house!!! Bad move!! It's noisy and a total fucking eye sore cuz my neighbors are pretty close to me and see and here it. So i limit the amount of time it runs. Pretty much just at night which is ok cuz that's when the lights come on. But yeah i definetly need to figure out the venting problem. I really would like to vent it out the ceiling. But there's like maybe 12 inches between floors so i feel like i would be creating a back pressure and i also think it could cause mold from the moisture being pushed out the room.


Well-Known Member
1) Cover your blocks with the white mylar block covers from the hydro store.
2) Use 35% H2O2 at 10 mil/gal and get the good and wet. The larvae will die from this. I use 6 mil/gal every 3 days per Al.B.Fuct.
3) Put sticky stuff on the bottom of the stems so nothing can crawl up or down the plant.
4) Put up a bunch of sticky traps.
5) Use no pest strips in the room and have good air flow. The little bastards don't fly that well, and a stiff breeze will go a long way at keeping the fliers from staying on the plants.


Well-Known Member
1) Cover your blocks with the white mylar block covers from the hydro store.
2) Use 35% H2O2 at 10 mil/gal and get the good and wet. The larvae will die from this. I use 6 mil/gal every 3 days per Al.B.Fuct.
3) Put sticky stuff on the bottom of the stems so nothing can crawl up or down the plant.
4) Put up a bunch of sticky traps.
5) Use no pest strips in the room and have good air flow. The little bastards don't fly that well, and a stiff breeze will go a long way at keeping the fliers from staying on the plants.
I agree with all the above, I was using 7 ml/gal of h202, but it seemed to be eating up my nutes. It did help with the funk in my rez though, i stopped using it about week 4. So i'm sure it was helping with larvae. I'm about 18 days til harvest so i'm not trying to use the h202 anymore. I don't want to be smoking some peroxide bud!! hopefully i can ride this out and clean the shit out of my room and gear.


Well-Known Member
The fly population has decreased but there still around. Are these fukers coming from the medium or the plant? How long do you run the H202 for prior to harvest?