White fuzz growing on shrooms


Active Member
Just got an Equadorian grow system, Started it the 28th and things are lookin pretty good so far. Just have two questions, #1 Why do I have white fuzz growing on some stalks? Is it just the mycelium or is it a bad mold that will prevent me from eating them. Fuzz shown in picture. #2 why do I have so many pins growing on the side of the kit? They're just growing under the substrate. iphone 007.jpgiphone 008.jpgiphone 009.jpg


Active Member
That fuzz is a sign of perfect environmental conditions. you are good.
Awesome glad to know, trust anything you say about shrooms canndo lol. just wondering why I have pins growing under the substrate? What if they don't pop through do I just re-flush when it's time too?


Active Member
looks perfect - keep it up. pins on the sides/under are from it getting light. i use solid gray tubs from wally world, lets less light through but i still get some on the sides. all good though


New Member
you have some good looking shrooms there. The white fuzz is mycelium, shrooms grow from that. Also, protect the sides from light, or you will have shrooms growing into the substrate just like yours. I wouldn't pick those because of contam risk (i tried once and i ended up mashing it), leave them.

They look ready to pick very soon, remember to pick them when the vein drops and before the cap starts to open, or your gonna end up with spores all over your mycelium, = contam risk. Pick the big ones first, or pick them all. You can leave the smaller ones for a day or two if you want, then harvest them for bigger yield.

... now i'm going offtopic like a motherfucker, just throwing a couple of useful tips in case you didn't know about this. Good luck.


very nice next time put some tape around the sides of your tub this will help with your side pinning problem


Active Member
very nice next time put some tape around the sides of your tub this will help with your side pinning problem
You know I was thinking about that but didn't do it, might for the next flush. Doubt there's a next time though this grow system was extremely hard to come by.


ya i do mine in mono tubs they work great and you get alot more bang for your buck but ya i had a problem with side pinning i tryed tapeing the sides and it helped alot but then as time goes by your substrate shrinks from loss of water then i tryed putting it in a garbage bag liner and that was the best the bag shrank with the sub so every thing was gravy.


Active Member
I turned the grow system around to get sunlight to the other side and all those little pins popped right out and are looking just as good as the others. Who woulda thought lol. Will update with pics later, will need advice on when to pick and which ones to leave. You guys are saying I shouldn't wait for the bulbs to open? The 13th is day 7 from first appearance so I'm thinking of picking the bigger ones then.


ya pickem right before the veil breaks on them ive heard people say thats when there potentcy is the highest but i think they just look better heres a pic i found i circled the good reference lol normal_amazonian%20XTC%2050%20gram.jpg


Active Member
Thanks dude, not exactly sure how to tell if the veil is about to open up but I suppose once one does I'll quickly pick the others before so.


Well-Known Member
it'll start to crack and then tear off of the cap... soon as you let one go long you'll know exactly when to be able to time it out right and what to look for.
I know this thread is a little old now, but the white is from not enough fresh air. So it is not because they have a perfect environment. You need to up the fresh air exchange. I know those are done already, but for future reference.

Also light has nothing to due with side pinning. The pinning is due to the substrate shrinking from the sides of the tub and creating a nice high humidity area. The best way to fight this is to lay a bag down before you pour your substrate in. This will make it so that as the substrate shrinks it will pull the bag with it.

Me personally I would take it out of the container entirely and either put it in a shotgun chamber or a greenhouse.

Anyways any update on how they turned out?


Well-Known Member
1. the fuzz occurs in high humidity no matter what your exchange is, so long as it is adequate, that is if you have a plenum chamber that supplies 99 percent humidity, you will get that fuzz up the stems even though you are providing 5 exchanges per hour.
2. Border breaks will occur even at the first flush, or at the bottom of your container- so there is no "room" and the substrate has not pulled away as yet, the element is indeed light and if you should want to, you can initiate fruiting at any place anywhere along a clear container smply by shining light upon it. I have placed aluminum foil around a jar and opened just a small circle and exposed it to light and it fruited within and just around that circle.

light, in this species is the primary trigger.


Well-Known Member
1. the fuzz occurs in high humidity no matter what your exchange is, so long as it is adequate, that is if you have a plenum chamber that supplies 99 percent humidity, you will get that fuzz up the stems even though you are providing 5 exchanges per hour.
2. Border breaks will occur even at the first flush, or at the bottom of your container- so there is no "room" and the substrate has not pulled away as yet, the element is indeed light and if you should want to, you can initiate fruiting at any place anywhere along a clear container smply by shining light upon it. I have placed aluminum foil around a jar and opened just a small circle and exposed it to light and it fruited within and just around that circle.

light, in this species is the primary trigger.
You are misinformed.
From RR himself.
Fuzz on stems is an indication of insufficient fresh air
Also light is a secondary pinning trigger the three main ones are full colonization, FAE and Evaporation off of the substrate.


Active Member
You are misinformed.
From RR himself.

Also light is a secondary pinning trigger the three main ones are full colonization, FAE and Evaporation off of the substrate.
Your a little new to the site, Canndo is the man when it comes to mushies I don't question him. Anyways it's still active, kickin out way less shrooms now but they're taller. On my 5th flush, total weight so far is 19G. And boy are they potent, strongest shrooms I've ever had.


Well-Known Member
My point is canndo has been giving great advice for a while now
Obviously not.

He claimed white fuzz is a sign of high humidity when in fact it's a sign of not enough fresh air exchange. He also claimed light is the main pinning trigger which is outdated information and is a secondary pinning trigger.

If you want accurate and up to date information I suggest you go to the Shroomery's cultivation forum...