White fuzz on roots


I'm replanting my little babies in larger cups and some of them have some white fuzzy stuff on the roots... seems like the same stuff i had seen before taking lids off my little green houses (that i found out i shouldn't have been using in the first place) Seemed like the ones with it on their roots also had more moisture in the bottom and it's been a couple days since i watered them since i knew i would be transplanting them and burying some of the longer stems. I sent myself a picture to post but it hasn't showed up in email yet- i'll post it as soon as it gets to my inbox.
The old cups had a small hole int the bottom to drain, new cups will have a few slits that i'm hoping allow water through and keep the roots inside

think those plants are doomed?
honestly its hard to tell without a picture but sometimes roots just look like that, i wouldn't sweat it until the leaves show signs of stress.


yea i know it was silly to start th thread without pics.. it does seem my healthier looking plants with more developed root systems are th ones "afflicted" still waiting on pic...


Well-Known Member
Why are you taking it out of the pot? Those are smaller roots growing off the larger ones.

lol thats what they're supposed to look like, have you never seen a pic of cannabis roots?

looks like plant roots to me, I don't think you could go by roots to determine what kind of plant it is.


sorry guys, this is my first grow... frankly of anything lol. I'm just moving thm up to slightly larger cups... i've had half this grow in a tray together (as i pull those ones out i'm really glad i didn't wait longer, their roots are just curling in circles because the tray was too shallow) and the other half in tiny dixie cups that were just running out of room.

i was hoping it was what you said about the tiny roots growing off larger ones mrshim, but i guess i was just getting myself worried- they looked kinda like the kind of mold that grows on strawberries when you don't eat them fast enough to me


Well-Known Member
sorry guys, this is my first grow... frankly of anything lol. I'm just moving thm up to slightly larger cups... i've had half this grow in a tray together (as i pull those ones out i'm really glad i didn't wait longer, their roots are just curling in circles because the tray was too shallow) and the other half in tiny dixie cups that were just running out of room.

i was hoping it was what you said about the tiny roots growing off larger ones mrshim, but i guess i was just getting myself worried- they looked kinda like the kind of mold that grows on strawberries when you don't eat them fast enough to me

ahhh the limits of human vision. Get a magnifying glass, will looks worlds different. Now I want to buy a macro lens for my dslr.