White hairs everywhere..

Well i checked my plants yesterday for the first time in about a week in a half..and it was a surprise, but with the white hairs showing now how far off would you say my plants are from budding? im growing in the mountains of east tn..im jus very anxious..this is my first grow and im ready to harvest.


Well-Known Member
Slow down there Dreamteam. Depending on your strain, it could be 7-12 weeks of flowering time. October tends to be a heavy harvest month, but it all depends on your plants. When the trichomes on the top leaves and buds start go from a milky white to an amber, it's harvest time. Some look for a percentage to reach that level before chopping. Some chop when about 80% of the trichomes are milky and the pistils have turned brown, red or orange. there is a sticky around that gives great examples of plants that are ready to be harvested.

Found it: https://www.rollitup.org/harvesting-curing/28072-harvest-time-tutorial.html

Have a great harvest. Above all, be patient, you didn't come this far to chop early.
hell ya man this is my first one, and im startin my first indoor in a couple weeks when i get moved back in at school. u growing anything special? ours is just some straight bag seed, but its doing awesome..our tallest one is 6' 7" our 2nd tallest is 6' and we got one runt who started late, so we will see how that goes. im excited to see how this smoke turns out

New Grower 420

Active Member
growing some bomb bagseed i had saved up, my tallest is about 4 feet and the 2nd one is going on 3(tryin to keep em small there in pots on my deck) im start my first indoor grow in about a month or so gotta aquire a few more things b4 i do that though.this is my first grow as well i'll post a few pics of my girls if you want?
we are literally on the same setup right now. but ya for sure put some up. ill take some of mine with in the next couple weeks and post them up. how many u plannin on growin indoor?


Well-Known Member
we are literally on the same setup right now. but ya for sure put some up. ill take some of mine with in the next couple weeks and post them up. how many u plannin on growin indoor?
Hey DT, don't forget those pics ya promised!! :)