White Hairs retracting

Hoping to find an answer or two, so please be kind.

Have sexed two plants in pots and both are ladies...placed in my garden on 1 Jul and they have really taken off. Yet, I've noticed several white hairs have turned brown/orange and some appeaar to have retracted into the little pod they were growing out of.

What's up?


Active Member
Hoping to find an answer or two, so please be kind.

Have sexed two plants in pots and both are ladies...placed in my garden on 1 Jul and they have really taken off. Yet, I've noticed several white hairs have turned brown/orange and some appeaar to have retracted into the little pod they were growing out of.

What's up?
my guess would be its going back into veg.... did u sex her inside and then put her outside .. pics might help to but im pretty sure its goin back into veg..
my guess would be its going back into veg.... did u sex her inside and then put her outside .. pics might help to but im pretty sure its goin back into veg..
Yep...sexed her inside 12/12 then moved her and large container outside...growing like crazy both in height and leaf generation. a gazillion white hairs at every node, yet some appear to mhave turned brown at the tips and a few appear to have withdrew and retracted back into her "pod"????


Well-Known Member
Yep...sexed her inside 12/12 then moved her and large container outside...growing like crazy both in height and leaf generation. a gazillion white hairs at every node, yet some appear to mhave turned brown at the tips and a few appear to have withdrew and retracted back into her "pod"????
They're retracting back into the calyx because the days are still longer than 12/12 outside. The plants are returning to veg state. Don't worry, this is perfectly normal. THey're turning brownish because they were'nt fertilized by the male pollen.
They're retracting back into the calyx because the days are still longer than 12/12 outside. The plants are returning to veg state. Don't worry, this is perfectly normal. THey're turning brownish because they were'nt fertilized by the male pollen.
So am I OK...am getting a lot of new growth and new calyx almost at every new node...and with the new leaf formation, new white hairs...so I should just keep the girls "close" and water when needed...when do you think I will start to get buds forming?
They really are starting to smell good...mouth drools...tired of buying and looking forward to budding...so you think the girls will be OKI
They will be fine bro. They probobly partially reverted back to veg, but seeing how every day is getting shorter than they should be flowering again after a short while. By the beginning of next month the hours where i live ( northern us) are about 14/10, which in most cases will cause a plant to start flowering, just at a slower pace.


Well-Known Member
They really are starting to smell good...mouth drools...tired of buying and looking forward to budding...so you think the girls will be OKI
absolutly...they'll be fine...they have time to adjust to the current conditions they're in now...they'll adapt nicely:joint::peace:
absolutly...they'll be fine...they have time to adjust to the current conditions they're in now...they'll adapt nicely:joint::peace:
THANX to all who have responded to my post...been a smoker since Viet Nam, but never really had the space nor inclination to try to grow...so this is all new! Any other advice or thoughts would be appreciated....
yes definetly went back into bud veg stage. i've done the same exact thing. This year ...no problem in 2-3 weeks it will turn back
yes definetly went back into bud veg stage. i've done the same exact thing. This year ...no problem in 2-3 weeks it will turn back[/QUOTE

Action...thanx for responding... so, how is it going for your ladies? I'm still only seeing additional branch and leaf production along with new white hairs at every node...stilll nothing close to resembling buds??? You too?


Well-Known Member
yes definetly went back into bud veg stage. i've done the same exact thing. This year ...no problem in 2-3 weeks it will turn back[/QUOTE

Action...thanx for responding... so, how is it going for your ladies? I'm still only seeing additional branch and leaf production along with new white hairs at every node...stilll nothing close to resembling buds??? You too?
Seeing additional branching/leaf production is def what you want to see, my friend...More bud sites, the better! Bigger yield! You're doing fine...pics should be posted!:peace:


Well-Known Member
ya i am having the same thing go on right now actually. i started my plants back in april so you can imagine how big they are.

i think in the past few days light in the NE is now short enough for flowering


Well-Known Member
i think in the past few days light in the NE is now short enough for flowering
I purchased my seeds for Swiss Cheese from Nirvana Seed Co. and the strain details say harvest in September. I'm assuming that its late Sept because I haven't begun flowering yet (I don't think). Anyways, I too, live in New England, and you saying that the days are now short enough for flowering is music to my ears. I can't wait to see the blooms! 8 weeks is my finishing time for bud for my strain. Any day now....:hump:


Well-Known Member
This is happening to me too. Plants are going back to veg state. Well at least i know there female:-)

This is happening to me too. Plants are going back to veg state. Well at least i know there female:-)

Got a new question for you guys...I think I have both a Sativa and a Indica growing in large pots in my garden...both are girls!!! One is taller with long pointed leaves, the other is shorter, smaller fatter and greener leaves...the problem is that the tall one is starting to have its leaves at the bottom turn pale...is this just normal? Everything else is good with this plant, should I just chill...Still no colas, probably too early