White House: No Comment on Libya Cover Up

Please cite proof or go fuck yourself.

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Don't worry. They are well documented facts, not even disputed by Obama himself. You're just ignorant of the truth. But thats ok because now you know

Here it is, from the mouth of the right - as always more evidence of my assertions that the right is rarely in contact with reality and tends to create its own. "everyone knows", "you are ignorant of the truth", "because I said so it is the truth".

But not much in the way of evidence.
Not the point, the point is that you are expecting Obama to clean up after a mess that your guy previously started, and expecting him to do it on your time table.

Or is it the fact that he ... promised. He Prooooomised.

My guy? I'm the one who told Bush and Obama both to embrace big government? That was me? Are you sure?
The time table was set by Obama himself. But I guess thats Bush's fault too right. Things will get worse if Obama gets re elected, and thats Bush's fault right? O.B has immunity from mistakes and is incapable of making an error becasue Bush was president right? Obama gets to break every promise he has ever made becasue Bush was president 4 years ago. Everything from the past, present and future will be Bush's fault unless its something Obama can take credit for. Sounds about right.
DAMN it, why can't Obama clean up after Bush quicker? What is the matter with him? I recall a certain administration claiming it would be a cake walk, and that we would be greeted with sweets and flowers.

You folks have some very weird complaints.

Sources are confirming that an Ambassador specifically asked for protection and it was denied by the white house.

If you consider that a Weird Complaint then there is something seriously wrong with you.
Here it is, from the mouth of the right - as always more evidence of my assertions that the right is rarely in contact with reality and tends to create its own. "everyone knows", "you are ignorant of the truth", "because I said so it is the truth".

But not much in the way of evidence.

You're such a drama queen. It was from 2008 interview when Obama your savior and lord was talking about foreign policies he would put in place. EVERYBODY know Obama grew up in Indonesia a bit when he was a kid. Are you really that stupid. Its a common known fact. Its in his books. How big of an idiot are you? I could swear you're just a child.
You're such a drama queen. It was from 2008 interview when Obama your savior and lord was talking about foreign policies he would put in place. EVERYBODY know Obama grew up in Indonesia a bit when he was a kid. Are you really that stupid. Its a common known fact. Its in his books. How big of an idiot are you? I could swear you're just a child.

Show us. Drama Queen? Republicans are even claiming that the pollsters are wrong in their effort to alter everyone's perception of reality.

Indonesia? so what?
Show us. Drama Queen? Republicans are even claiming that the pollsters are wrong in their effort to alter everyone's perception of reality.

Indonesia? so what?

Have you watched the news today? The liberal media is bemoaning the fact that the polls are tightening much to their dismay. This is when the pollsters actually start to cut the bullshit skewing that made their customers happy and try to report polls accurately so they dont look like such schmucks on election day...
Have you watched the news today? The liberal media is bemoaning the fact that the polls are tightening much to their dismay. This is when the pollsters actually start to cut the bullshit skewing that made their customers happy and try to report polls accurately so they dont look like such schmucks on election day...

I haven't yet. Tightening eh? in the battleground states? And, wasn't FOX's polls showing the same lead? Or are they skewing in order to make FOX... happy as well?

Nate Silver is giving Obama what? 75 percent? 80?
Anyone remember the Obama world tour, shortly after his Inaug? He set out to mend fences, all the stuff he said....all the stuff the pussy press said.

So, now saying that after all these efforts and bowing...all the public and private kiss ass all over the world for 3 years; that was not to make the world like us? Leading from behind?...don't make the waves? don't piss off anyone?

Why do we want anyone to like us? We want them to fear our clear consequences.

The world detests this Pres, it seems to me. The are laughing at him, and his big friend is Hugo C., PutiePute, and I guess, Achmedinijan. So, now look what has happen in Libya. Let NATO kill an old terrorist? I'd rather have the Ambassador alive and our secrets safe. He has taken credit for all the Bush wins while lying about the rest.

The hunt for Ben Laden? He just let it happen and they still crashed the spy helicopter and left it for the Paks. Gitmo? Open. Iraq? No force agreement. Block is failing. Sharia-fascist are winning.

His foreign and domestic policies are twin jokes. And he seems like a ghost to me, not Presidentially telling us the truth. Political lies are not the same as this.