White-ish spots/streaks on leaves. Can you help me identify problem?


Mycotrol works the best out of anything, Its organic and it is effective against any pest. I use it even during flowering time!


Pixi - I'd been using neem oil during veg and early flowering, and thought I'd licked the little bastards - until week 6 of flowering. Does the Azamax work a lot better than neem? I have to admit I am not thrilled with what the neem did not do for my plants. Saw a mite on one of my vegging clones and sprayed them down as well. I am getting tired of all the work. If the azamax is actually effective, I'm all about effective. If it works well for you in your location, I think I'll look into it more. I swear I have more 'stuff' in the cabinet now than I expected! lol
Neem doesnt work near as well if you already have a spider mite problem. Neem will take weekly treatments for weeks religously for it to work. But its not fast acting and it isnt good for the buds.

Green eggs and Pam

Well-Known Member
Neem doesnt work near as well if you already have a spider mite problem. Neem will take weekly treatments for weeks religously for it to work. But its not fast acting and it isnt good for the buds.
I did neem for 4 to 5 weeks in a row religiously, just to really make sure the mites were gone, but they weren't. I will have to look up Mycotrol; haven't seen that name yet. Thanks for the suggestion!


Well-Known Member
The uber expensive chemical killers are the only ones I ever hear people say worked...I luckily knock on wood have never had mites...have had fungus gnats, but they don't really hurt anything as long as you keep an eye on them...or have lots of stuff in your soil that they can eat...I know this sounds crazy...but i tend to wonder about thing like this all the time just is case and by my reading mites go to the tallest point...so would there by anyway that you could maybe take a pair of pantyhose and cut a hole through it for the plant to stick through, then just turn the whole thing upside down and suspend it somehow...if the plant is getting in the way if you are very very very careful when the plant has been allowed to dry out a good deal you can kinda crush the stem a little by little and bend the plant in any direction you want without slowing down the growth or stressing it too much...now I know that the plant will still know where it's roots are vs. where the leaves are...but I am not sure it will actually feel that it has been upended...but it might cause a little confusion...i have no idea, but when I wonder about what I would do if I were to get such a thing...I think I would just make my buds be on the bottom...so all the mites are hanging on top of the pot---or rather on the bottom of the pot...lol. Then I would kill them with whatever I could afford to get...hell I'll find a cheap aardvark to rent or something and perhaps they can be trained to suck them off of the plants...anyway...I have crazy ideas sometimes but people are often amazed by how much of it works...


Well-Known Member
Neem doesnt work near as well if you already have a spider mite problem. Neem will take weekly treatments for weeks religously for it to work. But its not fast acting and it isnt good for the buds.
Hell no it isn't....It isn't good for the plants either...! and it isn't all that effective...and the smell never goes away...and if you get it on your hands the smell and uuuuggggghhhhh the taste of it will not WILL NOT wash off...gross useless crap is what neem oil is.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, guys.

I did a lot of reading in the past 24 hours, and my plan tonight is to take all the plants out one by one and vacuum them first followed possibly with a spray solution of water/isopropyl alcohol. From everything I've read, at this point - 6 weeks into flower - neem oil will make the buds taste like crap, same with soap and everything else, and it's kinda too late in the game for me to be comfortable using the No-Pest Strips. So taking all of the options away due to the timing, vacuuming the little bastards off the fan leaves and them spraying them - but not the buds - with the alcohol mix is all I've got left to work with.

The most affected plants are my OG girls, and they already have a ton of trichs and are sticky. So I don't want to vacuum up my harvest - ! Will be VERY careful.

I'll have to do this over and over for the last couple of weeks at least once or twice a week. Fun, fun. :(
be carefull spraying with lachahol as it will leech the THC out of the buds, people use it to make ISO hash oil.

i read a thread on here the other day that habenaro peppers boiled in water to make a foliar spray will kill them and from what i read its actually good for the plants and the spicyness of the pepper goes away after a couple days, just be sure to wear gloves when handeling these peppers or when you go to take a piss your dick will feel like you put it in a pot of boiling water. (if your a guy, if not insert appropiate body part) also rubbign your eyes can be pretty p[ainfull so just be carefull


Active Member
There are also Neem resistant mites. For some reason, I've only heard of people using it to prevent mildew. Am I thinking of something else?