White leaves? Please help PIC


Well-Known Member
The pigment of the leaves is white. It is NOT covered with a white substance. I have not used any nutes as of yet. I plan to soon.
What is wrong with this little guy? The others around it are fine.
I use rock wool cubes, simply water with distilled water every day or two, keep temps/humidity stable.



New Member
it iz da first time in me life that i haz seen dat ! maybe iz alien mutant weed that doesnt uze kl0r0fil but somethin else !


New Member
That looks like powdery mildew, but I have never seen such an acute issue on such a young seedling....weird. How may other girls in the grow? o any have any signs of the same?


New Member
well, I see know you said it is actully the leaves, not a substance of any kind. HMMMM perhaps just a genetically screwed up seed. I would post and search and if I could not find any other info, I would probably axe it, survival of the fittest.


Well-Known Member
Don't axe it, it might be a rare pheno / strain. It would be sweet to see a whole plant look like that, though it will probably hurt it's ability to photosynthesizes.


Well-Known Member
The "white baby" as i will call her, is now about twice the size as in the first pic still with same symptoms.
4 others around here show no similar symptoms. all 4 others around the white baby are growing at about 2X faster grow rate.
I will keep updating this thread as to its status every week or so.


Active Member
Thats awesome keep posting pictures of this maybe even try cloning the little guy out and see if it will continue with the white mutation


Well-Known Member
weird! Gunna be some awesome looking buds lol, Keep it alive if you can and who cares if its the runt, its unique!
If you don't want it I will give it a home lol


Well-Known Member
yea ive never seed anything like that. even if it was powdery mildew, it wouldnt have taken over like that. you said you cant wipe it off? its the leaf itself that is like that?

try using a very diluted amount of rot/fungus/mold killer, perhaps its something strange, or genetics... who knows. either way the chlorophyll is super important, and if its not present, that could be a serious issue, "incompatible with plant life"