white male goes on shooting spree at youtube headquarters, san bruno ca

I'll ignore the part where you lament your emotional woes about being a persecuted white guy and focus on what I see from you in this subforum. Just because I enjoy watching @UncleBuck make sport of you doesn't mean I'm defending him.

When you post in this subforum, you're only trying to hurt Buck. You say you post in other places more amicably, but here, in this subforum, you are only trying to hurt Buck. Yet people in this subforum are supposed to only blame Buck. Does he tag you in threads in this subforum, thus summoning you here to respond to the alerts where you had not otherwise commented? Or are you two simply heckling each other? You are welcome to have political polemic. Buck does plenty of that, which is why I haven't questioned him this way. You can obviously do more than simply get your tiny little jimmies rustled by Buck. I'm not suggesting you become a braindead Bernie zombie but you aren't posting anything political in the politics subforum. Relax, gringo.

Yes he tags me even if I’m not posting here.

Did you even read my suggestion earlier about the mass shooting problem?

I have plenty to contribute
all the retards who watch infowars think it's a non-white female, so we can all be guaranteed it's a white male since those idiots are always wrong
But @UncleBuck says it’s a white male?
looks like UB could be right or wrong. In this day and age unless we see the birth certificate and more proof of gender im not going to say that is a female. The body and face sure look like a possibility of male under there. They did interview the father so i dont believe was white though.