White mold.


Active Member
I recieved a gift, from a friend. Just some comercial brick bullshit.
I noticed it had white mold on it, not very much but enough to notice it.

Do I just trash it?

Is it still smokable?




Well-Known Member
If its just some commercial then why save it?
I personally wouldn't smoke it.
Its your choice though. Seriously, you shouldn't.

Master Kush

Well-Known Member
Stick it in your freezer for about a week. The mold will die. Don't throw away the bud. You can still smoke/sell it.


Active Member
If its just some commercial then why save it?
I personally wouldn't smoke it.
Its your choice though. Seriously, you shouldn't.

I wanted to ask before I tossed a 1/2 lb away, as Im not as knowledgable as some of you.


Well-Known Member
Don't throw it away. You have several options.

1. Make hash out of it.
2. Use the freezer idea, and don't inhale anything funny lookin' that may come out of your weed when you clean/break it up.

First time I was hit by mold, I think I smacked my cousin in the mouth for the packing error then, I sprayed a mix of hydrogen peroxide & white vinegar on the afflicted pot, and put it in the oven to cook off the spray/moisture/mold. I then water cured all that stuff for 1 week...tasted fine.

Ah, I remember bein' so pissed that day. Thanks mold :finger:


Well-Known Member
In addition to the very good freezer and (ice water) hash ideas you could consider making butane honey oil - the mold is not extracted with the resin.

good luck!!




Well-Known Member
make honey hash oil out of shity weed butane method i dont know if it kills mold but it makes it taste better lol gonna need more weed to use oil of course