white people using the "N-WORD"?

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Well-Known Member
I'm not sure if I'm aloud to use the word on here without being deleted, but I just wanted to have a discussion on why you think it's wrong or ok for people to use the "N-WORD" all comments welcome but open to debate.


Well-Known Member
I feel a bit of a tool being a white person and using the word nigga at the end of each sentence a bit like people say "right" at the end of everything they say!


Well-Known Member
I never use nigga and shit like that because iI ain't my style and would be like trying to say something so that I'll be perceived as cool or something which is phony and very stupid. [I'm high lol]

But I don't really care.. people can say what they want, how they want. I do get tired of people always being offended by everything. But I still usually exert the effort to not offend when I know what offends someone because I'd rather get along with people than piss them off. Conflict is a pain in the ass when it's not necessary. And most isn't REALLY necessary, imo.


Well-Known Member
It is a touchy subject. A complicated one. I lived for a while in what people call the ghetto. In that time I made black, white, and Hispanic friends.

I have seen people use racial epithet with each other and it not be a problem and other times cause a fight.

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
I can't speak for black people because I'm not black, but even if I was, I still wouldn't be able to speak for the whole race. We can't take one persons feelings as the opinion of the entire race. There might be some people that do not get offended and others that do. I think it's pretty simple, if you have to question if you should/can use the word or not then the answer is a big fat NO.
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