White Poison - 2 liter Hempy SOG


Well-Known Member
so you were the one that made the bubble cloner... lol. i thought i had recognized the s/n when i subbed. coolness


Well-Known Member
Have you tried FIM'ing them in a SOG environment like that?
Your mothers are looking fantastic, do you have them under the 600 watt HPS as well?
And your clones are doing wonderful.

Subbed can't wait to see how they turn out!
You shouldnt FIM SOG plants. Only fim Mothers,scrogg plants and outdoor


Active Member
haha, that is a nice bottle. Too bad I have to fit at least 15 in my fridge or I'd do it. What are you growing them in / under. You may have listed it..


Well-Known Member
is there a reason why you use 2ltr
and why not use 3ltr
other then availability
I have considered 3 ltr bottles. Because they are bigger they might allow me an extra day between waterings. IE: water - skip - skip - water instead of water - skip - water. But the trade off is that it takes more media to fill the same number of containers. 1/2 again as much media as I use now.

Two liter hempys are more then sufficient for SOG style growing. AL B Fuct uses 1.7 liter pots in his SOG ebb and flow tables.

If I was growing larger plants I would be using bigger hempy buckets with more media.


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to same sort of thing with 1 gallons next harvest, 9 1 gallons per 2x2 lol.
Sounds good.

I would recommend to anyone trying out hempys - Do not start with a Seedling.

Clones are the only way to go in hempy because seedlings grow slow in them. Clones or Mature Plants do not. I think it has something to do with the roots when the plants are immature but I dont know.


Active Member
Lol, I use seeds in anything. Bottles, trays, etc...I've found that starting in tiny ass jiffy trays (only recently) work the best. Not jiffy trays with their mix, but just plastic trays with your own soil. Grow them til they're hanging because the roots can't go far enough to support itself. THEN transplant. My babies in the mtn dew bottles took well because they were already rooted into the trays and roots were hanging through the soil & a nice system had started to take place. I popped them in the dew bottles & they are growing nicely. Out rather than stetching. By the 5th week they can't support themselves & you need a stake, but other than that, seeds will work fine. Of course, I wouldn't try this on the 1st/2nd/3rd, etc grow. You might become overwhelmed :) Other than that, root them, then transplant. I don't believe in rootbound..You can control it :)


Well-Known Member
Veg day 28:

These things are getting out of control !

Already they are pushing 14 inches.

I would have liked another week of veg for more branches on the bottom to form. Looks like I will have to keep mothers of the White Poison instead of taking clones from the lower branches. The sativa in her genes makes the bitch stretch...

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
two White Poison Clones from a breeder

2 months later

20 cuttings from each mother.

Rooted WWxDP clones

Day 0 of Veg:

This is after 10 days of vegging:

WP at 20 days of vegging:

Veg day 28 These things are getting out of control ! Already they are pushing 14 inches.

looking great so far


Well-Known Member
Because of my height restrictions I cannot allow these to veg anymore. Another week or so of veg was expected, but they are ready to flower now.

So things are jumping off a bit sooner.

White Poison - Flowering day 0:

24 of the 26 wwxdp clones are in my flower chamber.

The remaining Two have been topped and are in the Veg area to become "mothers". I selected 2 clones that had some lower branches starting.



Well-Known Member
looking good xare hopefully they wont stretch too bad for your height restriction. how do those dishes work out for you?? looks like if you water to run off they might fill up real quick. i got some 12" trays for my pots and they barely fit, when i water to run off i almost get over flow right away..had to syphen some out actually so it didnt over flow haha. keep up the ncie work.


Well-Known Member
When I water, I use a measured amount that will fill the hempy reservoir but not overflow alot. Usually there is still a bit of water inside and they will make a little run off.

The more run off, the more I have to empty the small dishes.

If they need a big flush I take them out to flush them with a double dose of water, while sitting in a shallow bin to catch extra run off.


Well-Known Member
Well, its been just 5 days into 12/12 under the 600 hps

Here are a couple pics with the light on:

No action just yet...

It will be within another week or so before the buds start to form.