White Powder on bud.. Any thoughts?

I noticed a white powder located on a leaf just by a bud.
The picture doesn't do it justice because the whiteness appears like the photo's just too bright.. The small leaf just below the brightness is a better representation of what I'm seeing. It's not just crystals because there's nothing else like it on the plant.

Any help would be appreciated!


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get some better picks... closer ones looking downward twords the infected leaves... if you have powdery mildew carefully remove all infected leaves you can see, put them in a ziplock bag to be thrown away, and spray your plants with seranade, greencure, 1 part skim milk to 9 parts water, or one tablespoon 3% hydrogen peroxide to one cup water....
That my friend is white powdery mildew 100%. I am at war with it at the moment. Had it for the last 3 weeks and only have 3 weeks to go. It is my pineapple chunk it is having a party on but has left my Tangerine dream alone. Loads of treatments out there but I am using the old semi skimmed milk in 9/1 water mix (9 parts water) spraying thoroughly every 6-7 days and it seems to be doing the trick. Doesn't upset the plant or the bud. Also make sure you have good air circulation around the bottom of your babies and strip some of your lower internal leaf to maximize air flow. I doubt you will get rid completely until your finished and can sterilize everything. I am putting it down to the cool damp night air coming through when my fans and lights are off.
get some better picks... closer ones looking downward twords the infected leaves... if you have powdery mildew carefully remove all infected leaves you can see, put them in a ziplock bag to be thrown away, and spray your plants with seranade, greencure, 1 part skim milk to 9 parts water, or one tablespoon 3% hydrogen peroxide to one cup water....

Thank you!!

Couple questions.. My buddy told me to spray the entire plant (bottoms and tops of leaves... in other words, everything).

I'll go with skim milk because seranade and greencure are not available and peroxide is too chemical for me. Like you said I'll carefully remove the affected areas and put them in an airtight container and remove from the plants vicinity.

How fast can it spread?
My plant is in a very humid, cool, and rainy environment.

Really appreciate the quick reply. A lot to be learned still! Thanks!
That my friend is white powdery mildew 100%. I am at war with it at the moment. Had it for the last 3 weeks and only have 3 weeks to go. It is my pineapple chunk it is having a party on but has left my Tangerine dream alone. Loads of treatments out there but I am using the old semi skimmed milk in 9/1 water mix (9 parts water) spraying thoroughly every 6-7 days and it seems to be doing the trick. Doesn't upset the plant or the bud. Also make sure you have good air circulation around the bottom of your babies and strip some of your lower internal leaf to maximize air flow. I doubt you will get rid completely until your finished and can sterilize everything. I am putting it down to the cool damp night air coming through when my fans and lights are off.

Thank you sir!
I'll be doing what I mentioned in the post above. Thanks for the info my friend!
My plant's outdoors and I don't think airflow is a big risk. It's on a ridge of a mountain so I think there's sufficient wind. It's not too bushy either.
Thanks again!
Neem Oil works the best to get PM to go away in my opinion. You can always use PM Wash. It does the trick, but it is almost all water, so it doesn't really coat the plant, just rinses it. Neem sticks to it and prevents the PM from having anywhere to attach to.
How fast can it spread?
My plant is in a very humid, cool, and rainy environment.

Faster than you can imagine, that 'powder' releases spores and humid, cool, rainy, is the perfect environment for it.

You might want to snag some Pro-Tekt from Dyna-Gro. It is a silica supplement that toughens the plant and helps it resist PM and mold and such.

It is also a great emulsifier for neem oil, if you go the neem route.

Neem Oil works the best to get PM to go away in my opinion. You can always use PM Wash. It does the trick, but it is almost all water, so it doesn't really coat the plant, just rinses it. Neem sticks to it and prevents the PM from having anywhere to attach to.

Hey NightbirdX,
The problem is I don't exactly have access to Neem Oil where I am.. At least not immediately. Thanks for the advice! I'll look into ordering some and see what I can come by.. What concentration should I spray?
I went back today and sprayed the shit out of the plant with 100mL of 0.1% milk mixed with 900mL fresh stream water and removed the affected areas.

More later
FYI. I have just been trying MACs Powdery Mildew Wash from Montana Agricultural Consultants and it is fantastic. I could see the results in a day and it is totally safe and organic. You can treat your plants up to AND EVEN AFTER harvest (yes it works on your curing bud!). Its been approved by Montana's Dept of Agriculture for use on medical cannabis plants for the treatment of powdery mildew. I was totally surprised and so glad I don't have to harvest early and lose bud.

Here's a picture of my summer girls...sorry I'll post that in about an hour, my camera needs to be recharged to download.

Happy Growing
I use 4TBS/gal of Neem Oil, and 1/3 tsp of wetting agent. Spray liberally until the plant is saturated and dripping. Repeat 3-5 days later until the problem goes away. Purespray also works wonders for plants in veg and early flowering. Basically it is neem without the beneficials. It is just a horticultural oil. But after using it 1-2 times a week all my mildew and bug problems went away. Great stuff and organic.
I use 4TBS/gal of Neem Oil, and 1/3 tsp of wetting agent. Spray liberally until the plant is saturated and dripping. Repeat 3-5 days later until the problem goes away. Purespray also works wonders for plants in veg and early flowering. Basically it is neem without the beneficials. It is just a horticultural oil. But after using it 1-2 times a week all my mildew and bug problems went away. Great stuff and organic.

I'll see how the milk treatment worked out when I go back in a week and go from there. On a TIGHT budget right now. I've been travelling for the last 2 and a half years, living day to day, need to think carefully about where I spend money, plus always keen on experimenting.. Best way to learn ;)

THanks so much for the feedback my friend!
I'm going to start a little grow log for the last month or so of what I have going right now. I'll post the link up here when I start it up.
systhane or other products that contain (myclobutanil) are possibly the fastest way to deal with PM if you are not so worried about using a fungicide it will wipe out PM in 1 or 2 applications this same chemical is used alot for PM in the wine industry as grapes are prone to PM also

other products like greencure work by just lowering the ph and contain barcarbe of soda, i have read they work for some folk, but i didnt want any half measures so i went for the systhane when i dealt with it a few years back

if you want to be more "natural" then try serenade which is bacteria
or neem oil or other types of product that colonise the foliage with helpful bacteria / microbes like plant magic essence or even skimmed milk as someone already said

as a preventive measure sulphur burners / ozone/ neem oil help although not together as that can cause burning

good luck ... PM can be a nightmare if you don't deal with it quickly
I went back today and sprayed the shit out of the plant with 100mL of 0.1% milk mixed with 900mL fresh stream water and removed the affected areas.

More later

Every thing is a band-aid except sulfur... It spreads incredibly fast - you certainly have it on other plants if it's this thick on this one. (You have it 10 days before it even shows). Look into sulfur burners.

Changing the PH of the leaf to above 7.0 is the key to all the skim milk, and various bicarbonate defenses... Bacillus subtilus as found in Serenade is also a good defense/control but it does not actually kill PM.

Neem is not normally considered a control for PM - but it may work... Don't use Neem oil with a sulfur burner! A better, modern alternative to neem oil is Azarachtin - known as Azartrol, Azamax, and such... It is derived from the neem plant. In recent years, I have adopted Azatrol foliar feeds as a preventative against pests - but also as a defense against PM as Azatrol will also raise the PH of the leaf. I stop spraying by week 4. I burn sulfur weekly to keep PM away - through week 6. If PM is an issue, a sulfur burner is mandatory for your grow!
Every thing is a band-aid except sulfur... It spreads incredibly fast - you certainly have it on other plants if it's this thick on this one. (You have it 10 days before it even shows). Look into sulfur burners...

Neem is not normally considered a control for PM - but it may work... Don't use Neem oil with a sulfur burner! A better, modern alternative to neem oil is Azarachtin - known as Azartrol, Azamax, and such... It is derived from the neem plant. In recent years, I have adopted Azatrol foliar feeds as a preventative against pests - but also as a defense against PM as Azatrol will also raise the PH of the leaf. I stop spraying by week 4. I burn sulfur weekly to keep PM away - through week 6. If PM is an issue, a sulfur burner is mandatory for your grow!

Everything, including Sulfur, is a bandaid, except for Eagle 20, I think it is called. From all I've heard, Eagle 20 is one of the only things that actually cures PM. It is vile stuff though, very toxic. I would only do this as a last ditch effort.

Neem is a catch all. It fixes everything. It may not be a cure to PM, but it is a fungistat. And I've used Neem Oil before to make my PM problem go away. Literally. 2 weeks, 2 sprays a week, after that spray every week for maintenance, it should be fixed. I haven't seen any mildew since spring.

Personally and IMO, Neem Oil works better than Aza-whatever. I haven't used the others, but I have used Azamax. The problem is that they heat treat it to process it which kill off beneficial enzymes or whatever that cause the insects to retard and eventually die off. Actual Neem Oil is cold processed, which "supposedly" has about 9 different beneficials in it that DO NOT KILL the bugs, but they retard them and make them forget how to reproduce or eat, etc. So they forget how to mate and starve to death. The first spray is to kill off the bugs on the plant, the next for the eggs that may have hatched, and then the last 2 are to pick up any stragglers. Azamax only has 2 or 3 of the beneficials that Neem Oil has, from what I understand. I have friends that have used it to great success. For me, good ole, cheap Neem Oil has been the BEST fungistat, pesticide, leaf polish, etc. that I have used. I had to use Azamax a few times, before I noticed a difference where as whether it be for bugs or PM, the effects are instant. Spray your plants, let them dry, the PM isn't there and it doesn't have a surface to attach to. Normally if I don't spray again and it is the heart of PM season, I will get 2 weeks out of the one spray before anything becomes visible again (bugs or PM.)

If you are looking to cure your plants of PM, do a round of Eagle 20 on some veg plants and keep a mom out of them. If you are looking to just keep the symptoms gone until you can harvest plants, use the Neem Oil. If none of those work, then I would suggest looking into the burner, but it won't be necessary if you spray your plants properly. And like I said before Purespray is also incredible when it comes to bugs and fungus, it just creates a surface on the leaves that PM can't attach to, so it will not manifest. And it doesn't have any poisons or toxins in it to kill the bugs or whatever. It is a 99% pure horticultural oil that will just smother the bugs, eggs, PM, or whatever else gets in its way.

Serenade works.... but not as well as Neem oil. I had a problem with Serenade cleaning up the whole plant. On light manifestations, Serenade worked good. On heavy manifestations, Serenade didn't cut it. And it stinks. It smells like BO and beach lotion. Like fat dude working all day long BO and rank sour sweat lotion. It really is nasty, lol. You'll have to deal with the garlic smell of Neem, but it works incredibly well.
Eagle 20EW is a brand name concentrated form of (myclobutanil) that is highly concentrated and normally sold to the agricultural industry ( grape farmers) etc as i mentioned in my previous post

the average weed grower does not need a product like Eagle .. that is unless you have a few hectors of weed that needs treating lol

there are many products that you can buy in regular concentrations if you do some research that contain myclobutanil for a fraction of the price :leaf:

Systhane Fungus Fighter 300ml
Systhane Fungus Fighter is an advanced general purpose systemic fungicide liquid concentrate. It controls a wide range of fungal diseases including black spot, powdery mildew, rust and scab on ornamental garden plants, fruit and roses. Active Ingredients:
Myclobutanil you can buy this stuff anywhere in the uk and it cost £5