White ...residue on leaves after foliar spray **PHOTOS**

I foliar sprayed them, and now where there might have been water droplets is this white residue stuff. If I wet it I can rub/peel it off, but if the leaf is dry rubbing it doesnt affect it.

I thought it was salt buildup but can find nothing to confirm that. Maybe I have hard water?

Please help.



Well-Known Member
I was gonna say Powdery Mildew but I think you are just getting paranoid. YOu need to spray your leaves with just water to get that residue off your leaves. let them dry and check again.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
It's just hard water deposits, or residual ferts if you had any with the water. It's nothing to worry about.


Active Member
An actual flamethrower, torch the whole thing down IMO. I know, should give constructive criticism, but eh, :)
It's just hard water deposits, or residual ferts if you had any with the water. It's nothing to worry about.
Thanks! I thought it was from the ferts, too.

I did actually spray with water but it just dried in a different place.

I do not however think it is powdery mildew, it doesnt move when I rub it unless it is wet.