White Rhino - 10 Weeks Veg!!! 3 Weeks FLOWERING MONSTERS! = BIG YIELD!


Well-Known Member
GNOME GROWING - wow - im impressed with ur setup looks very good! what did u pull off each plant? tell me all info bout ur grow, strain, lights, nutes, yield = evrything bud im interested!

i have a new thread started check latest pictures of my ladies out


Well-Known Member
The plant is yellowing has the nitrogean is pulled from the plants has all the work goes into makeing nice fat nugs add a little sugar 1 tablespoon watered down with a little boiling water till you get a syrup then add to you nutrients.


Well-Known Member
i've just used GRANDMAS MOLASSES and it seems to be better - i cut down the yellowing leaves off my ladies and let the light get to middle of my plants - the new thread is up check it out ^^^


Active Member
any advise on how to make it more bushy?

try bush master my friend uses it and swears by it. the easiest and cheapest way to make it more bushy is to super crop it


Well-Known Member
id say its yellowing cuz ur npk of big bud is 0-15-38 right? i use big bud powder and when i use it i also use another nutrient with a high N-P..u should try something like liquid bat guano or anything with a high N-P to try 2even the NPK out a little better..u can get bat guano with high NP and make a tea with it when ur plants need a watering


Well-Known Member
Yeh I've been putting half strength iguana juice in with bloom ferts. The yellowing of the leaves is a bit of a prob but I trimmed all dead and dying leaves off. The yellowing has kinda been thru out the ladies life. Use to it now. I'll know for my second grow. Just want a nice yield for 1 grow. Bout 7ounces from the 3 will be good :-).


Well-Known Member
o yea what kind of water do u use? tap or RO? that may be why the yellowing happend if u use RO u gotta add cal mag or whatever cuz RO aint got shit in it but tap has plenty of calcium..and next grow u should add something that adds beneficial bacterias like vodoo juice or this one shit i get is WAY cheaper then vodoo juice and it has everything that vodoo juice has except the advanced nutrient label pretty much..its called PLANT SUCCESS u just add it twice at the beginning of veg and twice at the beginning of flower