White Rhino, 3 weeks left .. Check it out


Well-Known Member
WOW beautiful looks like of SOG job if you did that. cant wait for final weight.
Ive been looking around trying to figure out what this autoflower crap is that everyone is speaking of but not that I know of.

I veg them out to about 18-22 inches and use a nutrient called Mega Bud from Rainworks Fertilizer company. Once you take it away it stops vertical growth and makes buds bigger basically. Been experimenting with it. When i first ran it they were over 2 feet and i got HUGE buds but problem with bud rot. Overall I think its a good product but ill probably stop using it soon, regular growth yields just about the same.
Yeah SOG grow, pretty simple to maintain so I like it. Im going to chronicle the full grow next time, I have Rhinos vegging right now. We will see!


Active Member
nice grow. looks like the size my great white shark will turn out to be. Do these white strains normally grow so short? My LSD is more than twice the size of my white shark.....


Well-Known Member

I have some white rhino going right now and they are just 6 weeks into flower.

How long have yours been in flower?

trichlone fiend

New Member
When i first ran it they were over 2 feet and i got HUGE buds but problem with bud rot. Overall I think its a good product but ill probably stop using it soon, regular growth yields just about the same.
...I use a similar grow style, SOG...and I've experienced bud rot once, my problem was the humidity....when my beds flooded, the humidity would jump to 70%....I had to start covering my beds with panda poly. Do you have lids on your res'?
mine have been in flower 5.5 weeks at this point, harv just before xmas.

And the White rhinos are stubby and strong plants, big buds. Im not sure about the white shark, never ran it personally
...I use a similar grow style, SOG...and I've experienced bud rot once, my problem was the humidity....when my beds flooded, the humidity would jump to 70%....I had to start covering my beds with panda poly. Do you have lids on your res'?
yeah I have lids on my res' Humidity was a slight problem, but it never broke about 60% it was just the size of the buds was too big to even move air through


Active Member
So from my understanding you got mature clones and instantly put them under 12/12 sog style. And you vegging the new clones right now?
Nope, mature clones to 3 week veg i think at that point, then flip to 12/12 The megabud is what keeps them smaller.

Ive been trying to adjust my feed schedule and get more stretch out of the plants but these are only 22 inches at this point, the ones i didnt mega are around 30 right now in another spot