WHITE RHINO - 9 weeks of VEG! GUNA BE MONSTERS!!! check them


Well-Known Member
ahh nvm after looking at those pics again, they dont look as tall as i was imagining. but you will still have like 5-6 feet plants. id lst for sure, youll get more budsites out of those beauties


Well-Known Member
they been flowering almost 1 week - they are around 25'' tall i think - i need to measure them - tommorow after 1 week exact flowering i will be giving them bud blood - and bio bizz bloom and then big bud - ive been away for a few days so havnt been able to give them nothing yet - but least they will be getting the bud blood in there first week - i will put some pics of them up tomoz they seem to be doing ok if im honest - im sure they are all female which is good - they have hairs already in the bud sites - i need to do some training and maybe get rid of some fan leaves
just so the bud sites can get enough sun light without the big fan leaves blockin them and covering them from the light.


Well-Known Member
Those are some nice healthy looking plants. May look small but they're nice and bushy with pretty good height. Good luck on the flowering. Im stayin tuned to see these buds


Well-Known Member
if i were you id get some bigger pots. if you do decide to, you should do it asap. you have enough light and room to grow some nice big ass plants, but those pots might slow ya down.


Well-Known Member
Lol thank you - yeh it would be better if I cud move them but I'm not Gina risk it. I mean I've transplanted 3 times. There too big fore to transplant again plus I'm bit short on fresh soil - I dnt wanna hermie them after all this time I've patiently waited! There coming on every day. I notice growth daily - I wish I'd used 10 gallon pots but I didn't think they would get so big. I heard 5 gallon pots was sufficent. One of them is a beast with soo many bud sites. Is training a MUST? Cos it's going to be awkward I've been doing some manual training with just moving leaves and branches a bit to get more light.


Active Member
the important fan leaves to rid yourself of are ones blocking bud sites other than that dead ones which shouldn't happen untill you start the good flushing or if you over feed. peace and keep up the good work.


I grew White Rhino last year and they were short ass, stubby plants. They only measured 1/4 of an inch between nodes during veg.

So, I think these look pretty good!

They will stretch like a bitch during flowering though, so be careful about vertical room.

They look great I think :)
Bet his r nirvana seeds take it urs were green house iv grown both kinds nirvana seems to b more sativa mate