White Rhino & Belladonna


Well-Known Member
btw, didnt mean to be a party pooper...i'd do the contest, i aint trippin

Alrighty then.... Let me create a flyer and pass it around the boards and I will be the thread starter! Will keep ya updated!

haha, dewey i think we are both stoned and not understanding each other.

you do realize that is exactly what i was telling you to do to increase yield.

i understand your wish to stay within state's limit.

which is why i said not to lollipop as much down to a single cola....only lollipop down to like 2-4 top main colas instead of just ONE main cola.

yea we are saying the same thing....my fellow stoner...

and btw, that budXL WILL increase your bud mass, i've seen it in action...i've gots to have it on my next nute purchase. GOTS TO

and yea of course lollipop decreases yield...but only in some op as its relative. most cases where lollipopping needs to be done is in cases where its hella crowded. lollipopping increase airflow under the canopy and also allows you remove lower branches that will produce popcorn buds being that the canopy will become so damn dense that they will die off or create tiny buds anyway. thus when lollipop you are able to fit more in....so in some cases, NOT lollipopping will decrease yield.

but for your tray..and plant limit count...i would let them branch out as much as i could to get maximum yield, in fact, you may want to look into scrog....if not scrog...at least get a trellis to prop your buds
Oooooh yea! WTF? I have been getting baked and sometimes I reply from work really fast on the phone.

BudXL has for surely has shown changed
in producing lots more Growth! No only in bud but plant continues to grow larger! I will snap a shot of the clones tonight in comparison to how they go in!

Keep in mind, I want to maintain a nice continuing Perpetual harvest based on 3 week intervals to be able to to create larger more multi cola 1 week veg clones! Also, I have 3 feet from table to light, so they have to be low! SCROG would be awful hard with clones coming in once every 3 weeks, I would have to have some sort of independent Scrog screen for ea. clone! Its possible, but way to much work!

So I think I will start to take less clones, top them and give them one week veg under a 400W MH, and slap them in to the 600W HPS and be done with them. I could start out slow with one clone as a test every three weeks. Who knows, I keep trying different things and ways, going to max out my system as far as it can go with my limitations! Should be a fun ride. Dam I'm high as fuck again!

50% Thai Super Skunk (primarly sativa)
50% Belladonna (40% indica/60% sativa)
Wrapped in a Grape Swisher
Best fucking expreice blunt I have ever had! Its High tempo engergetic for about an hour, then slowly comes back down to normal clear headed high, and a very nice deep sleep. Woke up and Hour and a half earleir then I normally wake up to go to work in the morning, and was refreshed and ready to start the day! :) Bud was curred in jars for 1 month already and there super yummy, tasting, smooth!
yo i am also convinced that house and garden nutes are awesome. thinking of picking up those and canna and comparing house&garden to canna and GH head formula. i love the simple cheap gh formula and am having great success with using AN bigbud with it but i wanna see whats out there and from looking at other peoples grows i see that house and garden is very popular and well spoken of. cant wait for next pics i wanna see some belladonna!!!

edit: i wondered why your tray was always only half full, now i know why :)
That's really great to hear from some good experienced growers! I must be a good grower now! Finally good to be at that level. Took me 1 1/2 years to get it down! Now my growing is shaping into a more scientific side and expermental for the Mental! :)

I really love what House & Garden is doing for my plants! It's amazing, I am able to grow at such short heights, zero veg time, and plants are getting very large and putting on some grams! I can't complain, plants look perfect, no defects, burns, nothing. Just perfect! Def. no salt build ups what so ever. I will take some Macros shots of roots, and bottom of pots tonight!

well house n garden and canna will be a close match. the only difference between to the two is house n garden is a little bit more concentrated than canna..... house n garden is also formulated for RO water.... as for canna, you still need to add some cal/mag. Also, House & Garden nute just run cleaner....no nute salt build up

and as far as comparing those to gh3? no contest.

gh3 is a good basic, cheap nute with great result...but in no way will it stand up to house n garden and canna's stuff
Again, good to see they have such a good rep. You guys like what there doing for me? Try them, ur setups w 1000W and what, would kill me! Let me know, maybe we can start a thread on just hydro growers using House & Garden and can compare. Mixing the nnutes into the rez is soooo easy to measure! I do Tank clean/changes once every 2 weeks! I have never pulled out my tank and cleand it! It still looks clear when changing water! No staining either, or settlements on the bottom. I only have a little salt build up on the hose's the dip into the tank. I do use lots of H202 to keep the little algea growing in the rez, and the only reason I have algea, is the tank its self. It was clear plastic, and its the only thing that would work with the size of my room! A tad bit over 4 feet tall! Thats for the tank, table, plants and light!

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
and as far as comparing those to gh3? no contest.

gh3 is a good basic, cheap nute with great result...but in no way will it stand up to house n garden and canna's stuff

Yea ive always known but they were locally available and by using AN big bud powder i think they did great. But yea the upper line nutes dont seem to be very expensive and produce the best results....

what you got goin on in your rez Blunnts?


Well-Known Member
i use canna's line for my cups of coco

and a modified gh3 formula for my aero until i switch over to H&G


Well-Known Member
yea Dewey, im so freaking serious about biting the dust, that i only have like maybe 200mL of bloom left!!!!! so serious.... that will last for the rest of the grow and then i will be out...

i plan on hitting the road, i think this one place is selling 5L of both bottles of Aqua Flakes for fucking 60 bucks? holy shit fuck me :hump: thas even cheaper than gh3 and it looks to be better than gh3.....and even if it isnt.... its a trade off for a nice clean running res....omgah i hate hate hate nute salt build up...fucking my equipment up, i like to keep my tabletop grows (aero) clean....with shit building up from the salt is kinda hard....

plus i've heard great things about that drip clean tooo and it makes sense...like even if you were worried about flushing...you wouldnt have to do much worrying if you ran drip clean with the nute soup. their products are so cool.

and im down for the contest :hump:

btw, i only mentioned scrog because of a trellis...once you get your nutes and op dialed in, expect your colas to be bending over almost stem breaking cuz of the weight.... trellis and bamboo stakes rock for support...only a suggestion


Well-Known Member
I got updates I promised last night! Pics of clone to comparison to ones in flowering! A shot of the bottom of a pot @ 6 weeks on the flood table, and hardly any salt build up. And belladonna showing her flowers! Enjoy!



Well-Known Member
I got updates I promised last night! Pics of clone to comparison to ones in flowering! A shot of the bottom of a pot @ 6 weeks on the flood table, and hardly any salt build up. And belladonna showing her flowers! Enjoy!

And what are the dimensions & volume in litres of that pot?


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Hey!! How you? Your plants look amazing...so nice. Been watching for a while now in the shadows...LOL Hope all is well for you & keep up the good work!! MJ


Well-Known Member
Where ya at Dewey? It's been a while since you updated. Hope everything is going good. Hit this thread up with an update when you get a chance :hug:


Well-Known Member
Hey!! How you? Your plants look amazing...so nice. Been watching for a while now in the shadows...LOL Hope all is well for you & keep up the good work!! MJ
MJ Baby, sorry I have not been around lately, lots of things going on, family in and out, party, finding a new place to live, will keep ya updated!

Where ya at Dewey? It's been a while since you updated. Hope everything is going good. Hit this thread up with an update when you get a chance :hug:
Im here, Updating my grow soon. Still growing and will have 2 more harvest, and I am out. Hopefully can grow again some day!

man those plants look superb...great grow & pics
Thanks Bud!

hope all is well brother...
It's good. Finding a new place and having to move is a bitch, but having enough bud for the next year is gonna b alright! :hump:


Well-Known Member
I will be chopping this batch tomm. And here is a few shots of the last batch in 4 weeks into flowering! Sorry I have taken so long for updates!
