White Rhino/DWC,12/12 from Seed-PICS!


Well-Known Member
Ok you guys lost me. Why are u going 12/12 without vegging. Are you trying to see how small ayield you will get. Not to mention it will never be as stony as mature weed. Are you limited on space ?? Im confused.:confused: Oh ok I just read your previuos thread I missed. Its an experiment. Im all in. Plus rep !!
PSB...nice L.A. women you got goin there...very healthy looking...

just wanna point out something real quick....when 12/12 from seed, you really dont lose potency...the sprouts will grow vegetativly for the first 3-4 weeks regardless...then start to flower...still flowering for 8 weeks will develop the buds like normal not losing potency...only from experience...


Well-Known Member
just wanna point out something real quick....when 12/12 from seed, you really dont lose potency...the sprouts will grow vegetativly for the first 3-4 weeks regardless...then start to flower...still flowering for 8 weeks will develop the buds like normal not losing potency...only from experience...

Nicely Put JB! I couldint have said it better myself : )

And PSB, Yes it is an experiment, Im trying to perfect a new technique that everyone can use. Getting the largist yeild possible from 60 days of growing. That means topping,super nute feeding,and keeping it cheap! This may take many grows to perfect, But damnit ima get it down!



Well-Known Member
alright! Slight problem Im going through right now. Im planning on changing out the RES's today to 1/2 nutes. But I dont know where to put the babies while I change out the RES.

Like I know that Im only going to do one at a time. But I dont want to damage the roots or anything.

I was thinking about just pouring the current RES water in a big bowl then holding the babies in there while I fill the bucket with the 1/2 nutes : )

Kk, all I needed to do was talk it out on here : )
I guess I could just erase the text above now that I have figured it out, But yall need somthing to read too! : )

Pics to come later on today of the RES change.



Well-Known Member
cant wait for pics :) and the res changing went great everybody :) they should be jsut soaking up those nutes by now :-P


Well-Known Member
Ok! Here we go with some Day #14 Update!

So today is 2 weeks old, So I changed over to 1/2 strength Nutes in the RES.

Changing the RES was not as difficult as I thought it would be!

The Babies are looking great. They are already working on their 2cnd nodes.

Well Overall they are looking great! Im very happy with their growth and health!

Oh also I got an adapter for the SD card. So now I still can have the High Res. Pictures back! yay!

Alright! Time for the PICS! Enjoy!bongsmilie




Well-Known Member
Yo! Whats up SS! Thanks for stopping by!

Thanks for the compliment on my ladies!

+Rep For commin in and hopefully ull Sub to my thread and stop by again as I update often : )

And Welcome To RIU!



Active Member
hey d what up? lets c those ladies!! lol hey any idea y i cant up load my pics n my album says not a valid file ive got 6 n a bubbler they just sprouted last week


Well-Known Member
Yo! Whats Up JONN! Thanks for stopping in! Ya they are lookin crazy good!

Hey SS! Ya They have already grown alot since yesterday! They are loving the 1/2 Nutes! Ima get some pics in here later on today : )
Hmm Not to sure, What type of file is it? Have you tried uploading into just a reg. thread? Try uploading one into my thread and see if it says the same thing.
The albums might just be freaking out right now.



Well-Known Member
Hey yall whats up? I have a few roots hitting the RES. Ill be attempting to take pic of the roots later on today : )

Just lettin yall know whats to come later today!



Well-Known Member
Lookin good SS! You should start a thread! Or if you have one throw the link in here.

So I can come and pick your brain on your setup : )

Dont wanna do it in here because I dont want people confused about whats goin on.

So get you a Thread up! Id love to follow along your grow!



Well-Known Member
Ok! Day #15 Update!

I promised pics of the roots! And So now I shall give!

Ok, So only 3 of 4 have roots hitting the RES.

I got my normal round of pics. Then the 3 plants with roots. And one of the weeny!

Alright! I cant wait until week #3! When I get to change over into full Nutes!

Now for the Pics! Enjoy! bongsmilie




Well-Known Member
beautiful :) and Dac, im almost done with the pictures off your last thread, and this one too, from when your comp got fried, sincei said i would do those the other day haha, was just gonna give you an update about it, almost done got like, 80 more pictures left to do, which shouldnt be but like 30 mins or so,then igotta figure out how to give them to you :-P


Well-Known Member
I got all the pics from this thread. Just havint gone and got the ones from the first grow. I have a thumb drive around here somewhere... : /

Ill bring it over in a bit. Or tomorrow, One of those : )



Well-Known Member
alrighht, saves me alot of time then, then i only have liek 40 more pics to do then im done, cause i did our last grow first :) good news :-P