White Rhino FEM (nirvana) 1st Grow 1 Frebie


New Member
So i ordered the White Rhino got alot of freebie seeds as well (20+) threw 2 freebies in some rockwool both of them sprouted the other just died. For the WR im using reg FFOF with the FF nutrient feeding schedual 1 400w MH for veg


how long did you leave it in rockwool because I have been vegging in rockwool for 11 days from cuttings under a 400mh....when do I move them to hydro


New Member
It all depends I'd say if ur using hydro I would at least wait till some roots shoot out the bottom of the rock wool and I've had some plants pop roots out in a day vs about a week or 2


Well-Known Member
Well I am not sure what makes leaves crinkly..i feel like it has something to do with the Ph though...


Well-Known Member
lookin nice man, so long as the leaves arent brittles and easily breaking could just be a genetic thing? alot of my plants have done that when they've stacked up quickly like urs has there, n it just tends to all even itself out. so long as she's still green, chunky n loving that light u got nothing to worry about :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Lookin good, bruva. Subb'd. What bank did you get your seeds from that you got that many freebies, and what were they?


New Member
im pretty sure the crinkly leaves are just this strain cause the plant next to it isnt doing it and the leaves flatten out after they grow a bit and i got the seeds from nirvana i think it might have been a Christmas special.