White Rhino PC Case Grow & More


Well-Known Member
KushMaster85: Thanks, and at least I have one.

I cant wait to see that, one more week for that, every day is exciting from here, more and more I get to see. Mmmmmm

Coolman1a: Yeah oh well, at least I got a female. Well that rhino being a male gave me a little bit more space. I am working on what I can do for more space, but for now it will have to stay it there. It cant survive for a bit.

Heres the pictures from today... I might have given too much molasses, they are a little droppy from the watering.



Well-Known Member
Man what a beast! Hey what exactly are molasses, i know they make your buds grow but what are they? Also can you get them at a local walmart or somthing?


Well-Known Member
Dont hold me to this, but I believe this is what it is/does. Molasses is pretty much a fancy word for sugar. When you add this to your plant it is really good for carb loadup which helps your plant benefit with microrganisms. Overall its just good for your plant, a better boost. Do some research and you will find out more. I just know people who have used it and said it shows difference so I did a little research and decieded to use it myself. And yes, I think walmart should have it.


Active Member
hey joe, i just read your entire journal. you have come a long way! I will be happy to see my plant following in yours' footsteps.

I got a Q, qould I be able to use a 20w 2700k cfl along with my 42w 6500k cfl?


Well-Known Member
hey joe, i just read your entire journal. you have come a long way! I will be happy to see my plant following in yours' footsteps.

I got a Q, qould I be able to use a 20w 2700k cfl along with my 42w 6500k cfl?

Haha, thanks for reading Magetea. I know I have read many journals and it feels so good after you read it, you fell all caught up and a part of the grow, haha, well thats how i feel. But you make me feel like a proud parent. lol

Dont hold me to this but I think you want to use the 2700 for flowering and then 6500 for vegging. I dont think it will hurt it to use both for vegging though. You might want to check around on that though.


Well-Known Member
whew:)....i caught this journal right on time:mrgreen:....i thought you would have been harvested....beautiful plants man,truly nice...you have about a hundred budsites..lol...i just cant wait till these ladies are mature...i'll be watching this one:peace:



Well-Known Member
cannaboy good to see you here, incredible how Joe took that shitty clone and turned it into a beast right:-)


Well-Known Member
cannaboy: thanks man, and yeah it is crazy how many budsites there are, makes it look so pretty. I should have practiced taking some clones but I really didnt have the space or time the week that I was able to do it. Which sucks because I am gonna have to do it blind next time.

coolman1a: stop making me sound like some good grower, lol.


Well-Known Member
Hey i dont reamember did you start 12/12? and how long have they been flowering? How long is there left?


Well-Known Member
Hey i dont reamember did you start 12/12? and how long have they been flowering? How long is there left?
15 Days into flowering today. I will get pictures up MAYBE later today but most likely tomorrow.

And no I didnt start from 12/12, just flipped them on that cycle 15 days ago.

I really have no idea how much time is left, this is my first grow. I guess average is around 7-8 weeks I woudl say? So maybe 5 weeks left?


Active Member
haha! well what I have found out is that our plants are like children, we have to nurture them, keep them warm, kep them out of trouble, and they will flurrish!!

Thats how I see it, and it makes me respect my grow all the more.

Im in day 5, and they are about 2.5-3" tall. (and they did the whole "come outta the ground in like 2 seconds" thing).

EDIT: Im looking forward to your harvest as if it was my own.


Well-Known Member
That is so true, lol.

Hope yours not stretching at all. And well you have the space. But I think your growing in your pc case so you definitly want to start LSTing them in a couple days or now if you can. I started way to late and it hurts my yield.

Since I cant share a smoke with you when the time comes, I will just have to smoke one for you. haha.


Active Member
haha! It will be nice to reap the harvest of something that you put so much time and energy into.

Ill go study LDTing, My plants are 3" from cfl. heres a lil peeps(hope you dont mind for mah picy).
EDIT: LSTing is the Ish! Looks like you did that for your clone. Ill do that within a couple days(after the 3rd set of leaves has began to grow.

good luck bud



Well-Known Member
Day 66 (5/11)
Day 15 Flower

Well they both look good, the other rhino is 100% female for sure now. Its got hairs coming in nicely too.

The clone looks so sweet. When you look at it from above its so cool to see all the green budsites with the hairs coming out.

Not too much smell outside of the case especially without the carbon filter running. Ill install that if it gets noticeable.

Magetea: The smoke is gonna taste 10x better then anything else I have ever tried before, lol.

Yeah I did LST mine, otherwise my yield woudl be a lot less then its gonna be.

You should get a journal going. I wanna see some pictures of the inside of your case.



Active Member
The plant is looking gorgeous! I have your journal bookmarked; Id like to start a journal, but im paranoid about the "u-know-whos". You think its safe?