White Rhino PC Case Grow & More


Well-Known Member
Nah, they are strong, just i need to place them where they dont want to go so they fit in the cab, and when i do that many leaves are smushed against the wall and then hang down lower. So It woudl just be easier to get some sort of stake and just time them to that for support. If it looks like the mothers its gonna be huge buds.

Well I just did a bunch of tying down and I think I made it worse, ugh. I am gonna have to figure out what to do. How bad do you think it is that the leaves are shrinking from touching the sides of the case. Is that a big deal? Shoudl I worry?

*EDIT* Thanks for the link, time to read


Well-Known Member
Well giving the clone more then two days inbetween a watering is no good anymore. I need to either start watering it on the second day or water it before the lirghts go out, but Im pretty sure its better to water in the morning of their cycle. But yeah, leaves are drooping again. I will try and get some pictures up, but it looks pretty crappy that a lot of leaves are drooping. In about 20-30 minutes they will be perked back up and Ill get some good shots

Wondering about the bottom of the clone. Leaves are still yellowing up, like it never stopped. Is it possible I till got nitrogen def because some leaves stems are still purple?

Gave the clone 400ml of water with some nutes. Not too much on the nutes though.


Well-Known Member
Day 73 (5/18)
Day 22 Flower

Worried about the damn yellowing of the clone. Wish it woudl stop, but it seems to be taking over the bottom of the plant again. What should I do, nitrogen def? As well as the top, are those buds growing right, the leaves coming out of them. They look a little yellow, or are they suppose to be like that?

Anyways, check out the pictures, you can start to see the crystals forming. Mmmmmm



Well-Known Member
Looking Good!! I Am Not Sure What Maybe Wrong With The Clone. Yellowing Leaves At The Bottom Of The Plant Can Be From Several Things. Too Much Or Not Ehough Water, Nitrogen Def, Low Light Levels. What Is The Ph Of The Water That You Are Using? Ph Will Lock Out Many Major Nutrients. As For The Tops Being A Light Green In My Experience This Is Normal The Leaves Darken As They Age. Keep Up The Good Work.



Well-Known Member
coolman1a: As of now, nothing, lol. They are not smelling really yet. Well the clone doesnt at all, but the rhino does up close. I will install a carbon filter this week though.

KushMaster85: Thanks a lot. Light is a very good possibility. I am going to try to get to the store this week and upgrade to some 150watters. Why did I have to break them.

pH, has been good. I dont have a good meter, just strips. Also plan on buying a good one of those this week.

Too little water could be a problem too as of three waterings it was drooping before I watered. Clone is a thirsty girl. Im guessing those roots are taking over pretty heavily. Ill get pictures of those once I have my crop.

But thanks for giving me those suggestions. I bet one of those is the reason for my problems.

jordann9e: I thought yesterday was 3 weeks. Hrmm maybe I added wrong at one point, haha. Either way 3 weeks complete, wahoo!!!!


Active Member
This is awsome, thanks for you're dedication to showing us you're process. Where does you're fan go that leads into the wiring area? Does the system get fully enclosed or do you leave one side of the box open for fresh air? Thanks! Keep it up!


Well-Known Member
Which setup are you talking about? I have two different cases. One I am still building and the other is what I am currently growing in.

But on both cases they are completly closed. As stealthy as possible. You could almost run both them in a room without anyone knowing.


Active Member
Nice, I'm new to all this so I wasn't sure how much fresh air they would need and if the fan did enough, looking into possible setups.


Well-Known Member
I have 4 fans in the case I am currently growing. Each is 33CFM i think. Pretty sure this is right, but multply that by 4. So I have 132 cubic feet of air moving in and out a minute.


Well-Known Member
Day 74 (5/19)
Day 23 Flower

Watered the clone 400ml with 1/4 teaspoon of molasses.

Yellowing is still going on. Not much smell still, and only the clone smells up close.



Well-Known Member
WOW man i cant belive ive been following this since the rhino was germinating and the clone looked like s***:-) Now look at them, they grow up so fast, literally. Hey do you have and pics of both of the plants in the case as they would look before you took them out?


Well-Known Member
jordann9e: I apologize for not getting those pictures. I have been busy all day and not had a chance to take them. I will definitely get them soon!

coolman1a: I posted a picture yesterday of that. And Yeah its sooo great to see how much hey have grown up. I really cant believe it used to be that little thing. To me it literally happened overnight. I swear it was that size like a week ago.

wolfensan: I stare at them for so long. They are so pretty looking. Mmmm, they are gonna look even more tasty in a couple weeks.