White Rhino PC Case Grow & More


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Monkeeman: Well I only have the clone to compare the sizes to the case. But if the container that it is in is on the floor I still have about half my case size left. I also am going to tie down a couple branches right now so I will have more room for some more bud sites.If you want any pictures of what the case looks like or how I have it, let me know. I realized I didnt have many pictures of how I have it set up

I really think the nitrogen helped out from the last time I checked it seemed like there was a lot more green in the plant.


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Day 32 (4/06): I cant really tell, but it doesnt seem like the conditioned worsened, but take a look for your self at the pictures.

MonkeeMan: Tying them down allows me to control whereit grows. Instead of the plant just going straight up I can control where each piece is growing pretty much trying to equal out all the sites so that I can have a bunch of colas instead of one big one. Make sense?



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No I have not but that is a great idea if I can get yield off the cloned clones. How much do you think I would get off each one? Maybe I could put them in a new medium thats not a soil and see how they go.


Well-Known Member
Well, Im not sure how much you would get off the clones but I have a pretty good idea for you: If you could get another pc case then you should take clones from the clone, stick them in the new pc case, wait a week before you start flowering them, this will give the rhinoes time to grow, once you harvest the clones stick the rhinoes in the new pc case and flower, keep 2 mother plants(clone you have now, and a rhinoe), and just keep doing continous harvests, similar to the SOG method. Wow, this sound like a good plan I might have to try it myself. Tell me what you think, Im sure it could work and you would never run out of personal bud. :-)


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willRavage: They are 33 days old today and they look like they are maybe 3 or 4 days old, haha. They are in such ccrappy condition. I am really getting ticked off that I cant find the problem. I am gonna of course keep trying an attending to my babies. Eventually they will start to take a loing to me.

coolman1a: oOh of course I have though of that, but I dont have another PC case or that wuld alredy have been done. If I could find one I will build one but it dont look too good right now. Im always eeing an eye out for one. Know anywhere I can buy a chea case from?

I wish I could find another case too, it was so much fun to build this one. Now that I have such a better understanding too I coudl modify it so much better.


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Day 33 (4/7): Still a day of crap everything looks bad! I feel like giving up with all the bad luck I am having, but I wont. I must fight out. Anyone got any ideas what I can do to fix these... mainly just the clone, rhinos are so stunted, lol.

D port Growth: Thanks, I hope I do too. If anything its just another learning experience and teaching me how to do it right. Eventually Ill get it down. Just doing it slower then others, haha.



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Day 34 (4/08): Well I tossed all but 1 rhino today, the others were pretty much gone... ugh. Clone is yellowing faster and higher up, UH OH!!!!! What do I do!!


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I have been checking with one of those fish aquarium strips, but I want an electronic one thats moderately priced that someone could point me towards.


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I thought I originally had nitrogen defiency, but I put that blood meal in so I guess its not that. This is really frustrating that I cant figure it out. :(


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I read that when the ph is wrong the leaves start getting yellow from the bottom up...
I say buy the cheapest good meter you can and try to save them