White Rhino PC Case Grow & More


Well-Known Member
Fuck I know. That White Rhino is looking delicious. I took it out and I just wanted to smoke it right there and then. Haha

From that nute feeding it gave the rhino a huge boost, almost doubled it looked like.

I cant get a good picture of it, but the underside just looks covered... mmm


Well-Known Member
Got some bag seed I started germinating today. Might throw them outside if they germ. Wasnt sure on the quality. I have a baggie of a hundred bag seeds or so and felt like giving some a try in the meantime.

I plan on ordering some warlock I think, the strain sounds so good.

On top of that, I wanna get 2-3 cheaper ones. As that warlock is almost 90$

I wanna get bubblicious I think and some haze. I dunno, any ideas?

I dont want low ryder as there are so many grows with that already, maybe that diesel ryder I saw, not sure how much that is.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that looks alright. That might grow too big since its sativa, I dunno. Remember I am in the computer case.

Any other ideas? I would much rather have an indica, but a sativa is fine if it grows small

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
For cheaper strains, you can get very high quality northern lights- which is like a founding strain its genetics are backed and certified- or Skunk- but Skunk has a smell problem- I recommend a variety of NL for your comp grow... But those pics are beautiful- you should be proud to be one of the best PC growers on this site for sure!


Well-Known Member
Day 85 (5/30)
Day 34 Flower

Well the yellowing on the clone seems to have gotten worse, so I gave it a little Epsom salt yesterday to see if that does the job with its watering of nutes.

OB Cron Kenobi: Great Idea on the NL, I was thinking about something crossed with that and now you just sold me on it. I would love to grow a skunk strain but because of the smell it would cause a problem, future grow when I have all kinks worked out.

Really appreciate the good comments on the grow. I just knew once I started I had to finish. One reason for myself and the other to show people that you can grow in such a small space. So many people say it cant be done, so I just needed to have a good documented grow to show that, haha.



Well-Known Member
Haha not much. Was just salivating over my crop, I really cant believe that there is so much time left. How much more will they fatten up over the next 3-5 weeks?


Well-Known Member
Hell yes u got warlock!!!!

Guess we will have a warlock grow off sometime.

Plants are ok, I'll get pics when they awake. Forgot about my seeds that were germing and they all have like inch tap roots, whoops, guess I'll germ some more if these don't go


Well-Known Member
Ooh I got my pH meter yesterday. Didnt even open it yet, but I will later. Cant wait to see if I was actually using pH water, haha.


Well-Known Member
Day 82 (6/01)
Day 36 Flower


That smiley is exactly how I feel right now, haha.

But yeah, they look fucking fantastic and the rhino so doubt is turning purple/pink the buds are fucking hardcore! I didnt even know rhino could do that!!!!!

BUt yeah, I dunno if you can see it in the pictures, hard to tell. But they look so pink/purple up close. Its crazy how much in 1 day they changed so much.

No pictures of the clone becuase my camera died midway... Charging now and Ill get some more up.

