White Rhino x El Niño 400W grow


Well-Known Member
No prob. mate,
Yea I left these 5 weeks because both the Rhino and the El Niño are slow growing strains so I left them a week longer to get some proper height before triggering them.

Cheers bro!


Well-Known Member
picture I took this morning right after feeding them..
All 3 were topped, fimmed and super cropped.. Hopefull I'll get some nice cola's from that.
They're still quite small, but that's normal for the strain..
Today we ended week 2 of flowering.. I see small flower formations on all the plants.. I think at the end of next week we'll be able to see some nice buds starting to form.

I also turned off one of the CFLs to bring down the temp. and it worked immediately.
The temp. is now down to 29ºC. which is pretty perfect.
RH at 40%
PH I keep at 6.2



Active Member
Hey bro nice job man! they looking fuken SEXY! what did u mean by "All 3 were topped, fimmed and super cropped" i really want to yeild a good amount of budd the first time also bro.. i wanted to no if u cud help me out with sum info on how to topp a plant or fimm it and crop it as u said.. if u can help with sum info on that that wud mean alot thnx .. i will b tuned in to ur grow for sure looking for updates keep up the good work heres mine https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/228952-first-grow-gods-haze-pics.html


Well-Known Member
looking nice bro
Thanks dude, can't wait to get some nice buds.. :weed:

Hey bro nice job man! they looking fuken SEXY! what did u mean by "All 3 were topped, fimmed and super cropped" i really want to yeild a good amount of budd the first time also bro.. i wanted to no if u cud help me out with sum info on how to topp a plant or fimm it and crop it as u said.. if u can help with sum info on that that wud mean alot thnx .. i will b tuned in to ur grow for sure looking for updates keep up the good work heres mine https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/228952-first-grow-gods-haze-pics.html
Yess when you top a plant you'll intentionally cut off the plant's main cola and in return this will trigger the 4 side branches to stretch and become 2 main cola's and 2 big side buds.
Now what I did is to top it, then fimmed one of the 2 main cola's to trigger 2 top cola's out of that one.
In return I get 1 main cola and 5 hopefully big side buds.

Now I hate to link you to another forum, but this is the most accurate tutorial I have bookmarked on how to top and fim cannabis plants.
(if anyone knows a good link in RIU, please post it in a reply)

Super cropping is the intentional bending of the side branches so they could grow bigger too.
The theory of this is that when those branches start receiving more (sun)light, the plant will think that it's actually a main cola, and it will devote more energy to making it bigger and thus resulting in bigger bud production on each cropped arm.


This is a great youtube clip tutorial on super cropping.

You can see in these images the main cola's stretching out and in the 2nd image where it was topped.



Well-Known Member
Nice video...Neat little clean setup....I have someone that is trying to deal me some white rhino clones....I havent got extra plants to be consuming up with mothering plants.

Its nice to be a grower and get the fire weed for yourself...my meds are better then anything I can buy around here.
I know exactly how you feel dude..
I moved to Amsterdam 5 years ago and I can get to buy any strain imaginable in the city, but it's still so damn expensive.. And honestly my home grown buds are of higher caliber then alot of those cheap ass coffeeshops (ofcourse not the top contenders like Greenhouse, tweede kamer etc.) And White Rhino is just simply an amazing strain.. LOVE IT! :weed:

Btw. thanks for checking the vid :eyesmoke:

Thnx Alot Fo Da links bro and that info helped out alot btw.. plants looking good;) keep it up
No problemo broham.. Thanks for stepping by!


Well-Known Member
Nice looking plants
Thanks Tom, :cool:

I'm thinking of pruning them a bit tomorrow..
Both strains get very big fat leaves and I don't want them to block out too much light from getting through to those inner flowers in this all important time of flowering.

Somehow I believe that you could tell right after week 3 if your plants are going to produce good sized buds or not..


Well-Known Member
Hey Blackrose. Thanks for checking out my grow. Yours is looking great. I have been thinking about White Rhino seeds. They look pretty hearty and healthy. Do you have a hood or reflector on your 400w? Those CFLS are awesome I need some for my Aerogarden grow. Good luck
Im subscribed.


Well-Known Member
Don't remove any leaves whatsoever. The leaves need to get light not the buds. Just leave the plant untouched and it will gift you with better ganja


Well-Known Member
Hey Blackrose. Thanks for checking out my grow. Yours is looking great. I have been thinking about White Rhino seeds. They look pretty hearty and healthy. Do you have a hood or reflector on your 400w? Those CFLS are awesome I need some for my Aerogarden grow. Good luck
Im subscribed.
No problem man, White Rhino's are the best stoners out there.. if you haven't tried it yet, just think about the strongest body stoned you've ever felt and multiply it by 20 and that's how this strain feels when it's properly grown ;)
And yea I do have a reflector above the 400W, the fan is attached to it :P

Don't remove any leaves whatsoever. The leaves need to get light not the buds. Just leave the plant untouched and it will gift you with better ganja
:oYou see I always remove them when growing... so you're telling me that's a bad thing?


Well-Known Member
I measured the EC of the soil yesterday and it came out at a whopping 2.0 :finger:
That's why the plants aren't stretching much, but only gaining weight. :oops:
So I'm giving the plants each 700ml of fresh water for 2 days and then I'll continue the normal feeding procedure.
I'll test the EC again 2 days afterward and if it's still high I might flush them completely to bring it down to 1.6 or at least 1.8.

If anyone got some tips on bringing the EC down, please share the love.. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I may have asked you already but do you think I should gradually up my pot size or jump right into the 5 gallons? Sorry to interfere your thread. Everybody looks happy in here


Well-Known Member
I may have asked you already but do you think I should gradually up my pot size or jump right into the 5 gallons? Sorry to interfere your thread. Everybody looks happy in here
Please dude, you're more then welcome to fill my journal with questions.. me and anyone else in here would be more then happy to answer them ;)
To answer your Q: Just transplant them right into 5gal.
I don't know if it would make a difference by gradually stepping up pot sizes.. maybe it would know knows.. me and I think most others just go from small to big in 1 shot..
This is also better to avoid stressing the plant too often..
Cheers bro, 8-)

Yes it is a bad thing, why would you remove the leaves?
Well tbh Tom I was thought that way.. That those fan leaves blocked out sunlight and removing them would cause the plant to grow better and produce bigger buds obviously.. But I'm reading more on it now and you're right.. removing healthy leaves should indeed be avoided..
Thanks for the help bro..

Peace! :peace:


Well-Known Member
Woke up this sweet Sunday morning and went to get some stuff at my local growshop.. Now I've spend alot of money in this place throughout the years and have build a somewhat a relationship with these shop owners..
So today I spent 49 euros on a heated propagator, and I got a nice little present from them.. 3 mixed coffeeshop classics feminized seeds by Cerez.. :clap:
These could be a combination of the strains seen below or if I'm unlucky 2 or 3 times the same strain with something extra.. it's all random the guy told me..
So I'm hoping for the White Widow, Skunk Haze and Purple.. I don't mind getting anything else except Holland's Hope (too weak for me, would be a real waste of my lamps) :hump:

"I scanned the pamphlet"
Hopefully you guys can read it..



Well-Known Member
Took this picture this morning at 10am. after the lights went on.
Still in week 3 of 9, and the plants are really starting to stretch out more now, and flowers are starting to pop out almost everywhere.
These are 80% indica's and usually won't grow much taller then 70cm (~27").
Current lengths:
El Niño: 59cm.
WR 1: 53cm.
WR (in the back): 50cm.

So there's still room for stretching, but I doubt those WR's will hit 70cm.
The El Niño probably will.
