White Russian mother plants, first grow - is this a problem?

Is this a problem?

  • Yes, they are very sick!

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • No, they are fine!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maybe needs some tweaking

    Votes: 3 60.0%

  • Total voters



This is my first grow, are these plants doing ok? i see a little bit of problems and i have already pruned some dead bottom leaves. Here is my setup:

Hempy Solo Cups
250W HPS 24/7 at about 7"
Canna Aqua Vega @ ~300 PPM (0.6 EC) PH ~5.8 every 2nd day
Water is very soft >50PPM

I might have watered them too often at first, which i suspect is what was causing the droopyness. I also know that my temperatures at times are a bit to high, which i have corrected. Is there anything seriously wrong with these that i should be alarmed about? The growth within the last 10 days seems to suggest they are OK. Should I up my nutrient uptake? they are about a month old.

Thanks for any response in advance!

Plant 1
2013-10-21 15.11.23.jpg

Plant 2 10 days ago
2013-10-11 16.34.32.jpg
Plant 2 Today
2013-10-21 15.12.09.jpg



Thats kinda what i figured too as far as the drooping goes. The spotting on the other hand, is that a deficiency? The big main leaves on the plant are also very light green in comparison to the new diagonal growth right above each node. (im not too sure what these are called).

Also, as noted in my post, the water here is super soft, it doesn't even make my blue lab truncheon register 100 PPM. is there a calmag potential problem?


Hey Everyone,

The problem has gone from bad to worse. There is necrosis appearing over the middle fan leaves. Ive stepped down my watering to once every 2.5 days which seems to have gotten rid of my droopyness issue on new growth I've pruned the worst ones but the necrosis is even spreading to the new growth. I dont want to prune too much because i am afraid to kill the plant.

I am watering at 5.8 at 300 PPM, do i need to seriously up my nutes? Is this disease and need to quarentine and remove leaves that have necrosis?

2013-10-27 11.40.25.jpg 2013-10-27 11.43.17.jpg


Well-Known Member
Not sure what your problem is but I'd go ahead and trim the worst of the damaged leaves.


Could maybe adding some diluted 30% h202 to the next watering help? I think maybe my initial overwatering could have caused some root disease. Are they too young for peroxide?

Thanks everyone for your help in advance.


Active Member
Definitely Overwatering ! But deficiencies are present there ! More pix can clarify the problems ! You can see some discolorations in the tips !!


Well-Known Member
I'm a newbie myself but if they are a month old and still in solo cups then they need a bigger home (that cup must be solid with roots) and i would imagine that they are hungry too so i would up the feed strength a little as it looks like she's eating the older leaves just to survive.

The canna grow guide suggests an ec of 1.1 for the 1st week and 1.3 after that for veg although i would never use it that high i would be a little higher than 0.6


Active Member
Over watering was ur first problem certainly, but now it looks like a root issue. They definitely need to be moved to larger homes. I'm sure those roots have bound in those cups. I would transplant and flush in a well PH'ed and lightly peroxided solution. And give it some time. See if the necrosis stops and new growth continues and begins to look healthy again. If so continue on like normal. Only my opinion. Good Luck and Happy Smoking :bigjoint: