Hi guys,
Sorry if this isn't the correct place for this, but it seemed the most appropriate of the options. If I need to post this somewhere else just let me know.
While I was cutting up a bud, I noticed a white silky substance that I did not notice on the bud before I started cutting it. It is stretchy (when I try to pull it apart it seems to stretch before actually breaking) and sticky. It looks almost like tissue paper, but is definitely more dense and doesn't feel like paper (feels more like silk / smooth).It was definitely inside the bud, not on the outside. It appeared to all stick together (came out in a single piece, no small fragments that I can see. I was using scissors to cut it too, so I'm surprised it didn't break up). I do not grow, this is something I got from a friend. I asked him about it, but he didn't seem to know what it was either. I inspected the rest of the buds that I had gotten, but only one other one had any sign of the same substance. When I inspected the second one I had found, I could see that it was definitely the same substance. I carefully pulled the bud apart, but this one only had a very small amount of the substance attached to it. I have taken pictures of the substances (both from the first bud that I cut up, and the second one that I tried pulling apart). From what I've found online it looks like this should either be from spider mites or bud rot (mold). I wasn't able to find any information that fully convinced me of what it was, so I'm hoping with these images someone could help me figure it out. I can take some more pictures if needed.
The first image is of the larger piece of the white substance that came out of a bud in one piece. Also, just to be clear, all of the little pieces of stuff on the white substance in this first image are little bits of bud that got stuck to it as I as cutting/grinding it up.
The second image is of a much smaller amount of the white substance that is still stuck to a bit of bud attached to a stem. I pulled
everything else off the stem and broke it up, but there was no more of the substance to be found.
Sorry if this isn't the correct place for this, but it seemed the most appropriate of the options. If I need to post this somewhere else just let me know.
While I was cutting up a bud, I noticed a white silky substance that I did not notice on the bud before I started cutting it. It is stretchy (when I try to pull it apart it seems to stretch before actually breaking) and sticky. It looks almost like tissue paper, but is definitely more dense and doesn't feel like paper (feels more like silk / smooth).It was definitely inside the bud, not on the outside. It appeared to all stick together (came out in a single piece, no small fragments that I can see. I was using scissors to cut it too, so I'm surprised it didn't break up). I do not grow, this is something I got from a friend. I asked him about it, but he didn't seem to know what it was either. I inspected the rest of the buds that I had gotten, but only one other one had any sign of the same substance. When I inspected the second one I had found, I could see that it was definitely the same substance. I carefully pulled the bud apart, but this one only had a very small amount of the substance attached to it. I have taken pictures of the substances (both from the first bud that I cut up, and the second one that I tried pulling apart). From what I've found online it looks like this should either be from spider mites or bud rot (mold). I wasn't able to find any information that fully convinced me of what it was, so I'm hoping with these images someone could help me figure it out. I can take some more pictures if needed.
The first image is of the larger piece of the white substance that came out of a bud in one piece. Also, just to be clear, all of the little pieces of stuff on the white substance in this first image are little bits of bud that got stuck to it as I as cutting/grinding it up.
The second image is of a much smaller amount of the white substance that is still stuck to a bit of bud attached to a stem. I pulled