white splotches means what?!

i have had an indoor plant since april 7 and everything has been good so far, but now some of the leaves are getting little white/clear splotches, it kinda looks like chlorine but not. i have no idea what this indicates. does anyone know???

i know the lighting is bad but the splotches are surely there. please someone help me



Active Member
could be thrips,or ph is fucked up...some plants are just like that tho..like geentic or something. dont stress too much untill it gets worse
Im no expert bro, but it looks like powdery mildew or mold?? Dont take my word for it, i tried searchin it on goggle and thats what mostly other ppl had "/ i know they sell spray to get rid of it thoug, if thats what it is. Sorry i cant help more... PeAcE


Well-Known Member
if it is from foilar feeding just spray sthem with plain water. What is the humidty been running lights on and off? Dehumidifier will help watering in the morning helps also.

Brick Top

New Member
kinda looks like spider mites... flip over the leaf and see if the is like almost this white powder stuff.
You might have hit the bulls-eye.

The pictures were not close up enough and with enough detail to say for sure but I did think it possible that spider mites, or possibly some other insect, might be the cause.

Even not close up enough the spots just do not look like powdery mildew to me. For the growers sake I hope it is that rather than The Borg or some other critter ... but that was what I thought might possibly be the cause of the white spots.

I would suggest that a very close inspection be done and if Borg found steps be taken quickly or the plants will be lost to The Borg.