white spots appearing i need help

My plant is 2 1/2 weeks old and its got white spots on 2 of the leaves, i have no idea wat it is, the Ph is fine the heating and ventilation is fine, will this become a problem or will it go away (i hope so), can someone please help me before my baby dies, cheers.


Legal Moderator, Esq.
pics would help A LOT. What kind of light, do you spray it with water, ect. You can get spots like that from little water bubbles magnifying light. One of a very many ways. Spots rarely ever go away, but realllly need some pics here.


Well-Known Member
add pics but i'll bet its spider mites. look under the leaf and look for little white or black specks that look like salt and pepper. those are spider mites pictures will confirm it but more than likely if the white spots look like if u stuck it with a pin then thats it. if you do have mites get some Foxfarm Don't Bug Me and spray everywhere under and top of leaves and stems for 3 weeks straight with lights off.
DSC00467.jpgDSC00465.jpgDSC00466.jpg Im using a 400w MH, i dont spray it with water (should i?) i couldnt see any thing that resembled salt and pepper, could it be nute lock out coz i mixed the A&B nutes together the first time a used it but only used quarter strength? thanks heaps for the quick reply too guys really appreciate it. ill post pics but there not the best.


If that is a picture of a 2-1/2 week old plant, then you have more problems than white spots. A small little sprout like that doesn't need any nutes yet. Goodluck.
Its 2/12 weeks from when I first planted the seed, doesnt it look normal? This is my first time so im not sure wat it should look like, its a royal queen skunk #1 if that helps. Also people told me to give it nutes straight away but also heard to wait a little bit so I waited 2 weeks before giving it nutes. Can some one post a pic of a plant at 2 weeks so I can see wat it should look like cheers guys.