White spots on leaves it is NOT Mildew please read PICS included!


Well-Known Member
spider mites can be tricky to find when theyre not severe.,.,youll find almost invisible little webs and clusters of the litle fucks,kinda red in color.,.,neem oil/other home remedies work.,.,they can be tricky to eradicate mite wana clean ro0m with bleach


Well-Known Member
There are bugs, whatever they are. Rust colored.

I have a 10X8 room in a 700 sq ft garage. I used Doktor Doom Pyrethrium Bomb 5.5 oz. in the room with the door half open. This allowed the grow room to fill up and spill out into the other areas.

Everyone is dead. lol Except the plants! I pulled all the girls out and it was worse than I could see. I cut off the most affected leaves. They had spider webs and full of white eggs.

I thought of Aliens and when they found the room of eggs. I mixed this with mafia thoughts....

"I want them DEAD. I want thier familes DEAD." :lol: just be glad I did not have access to a flamethrower.

Now looking at it, nothing is moving at all. LOts of dead carcasses. I have bomb number 2 ready. $10.95 a bottle this sure beats spraying the plants or dipping them.

The hydro dude recommended waiting 3 days before the next bomb. What do you think?

I want these guys dead! (if I forgot to mention it :) So a bomb in 3 days? 2 days? 2 3 5 7????

My thought is I am going to bomb once more in 3 days, then once again and monitor. 3 bombs total over a one week period.

Being an old Spiderman fan, it was surprising Doktor Doom helped me. bahahahaha


Well-Known Member
watch out man i know people who been fighting the borg off an on for years...once there introduced to your room other then wiping out an bleach cleaning everything an bombing there almost sure to pop up again...expecially if you got as much webbing as you say....peace az


Well-Known Member
AS A PREVENTIVE MEASURE I would use a no pest strip their good for 4 months. They are also about 10 dollars also from a hardware store. Thoes little bug are hars to wipe out.


Active Member
i have similar discolouring on my auto seedlings,and i did see a tiny web on one,this is after i sprayed them yesterday with spray safe,im going to spray again when my light goes off as there is no withholding period at all for it

i think i may have spider mite already,i managed to get rid of them OUTSIDE with this spray,so hopefully,they will die

and i SERIOUSLY loved the whole 'i want them DEAD,i want their families DEAD',that was classic


Well-Known Member
I lowered my temp to 70 degress instead of 80 and now they are cohabititating with my girls. Yah they are there, but they are not killing my plants. Right now I am trying a Neem Oil/Foilage opener mix. The thought is the foiler part opens up the leaves and then they drink in the neem oil. Then when a bugger bites the plant, it dies. My firend used this to eradicate mites before. I will keep you posted.

The short of it is mite attack weak plants in extreme situations. High heat, low humidity, or weak plants. Keep your girls strong and they can fight for themselves....with a little help from chemicals.

Since I hate anyone who takes from my stash without paying, I also ordered preying mantis eggs. These guys are so interesting. They will hatch in 2 weeks, come out and hunt down everything in your enclsed room. Due to their size when they hatch, they are perfect voracious guys to get the job done. Once they eat everyone, eggs, women, children, they dont care, then they will eat each other. It is very similiar to the predatory mites you can buy, but those are more expensive and harder to keep alive. A PM will live hearty in bad conditions. And you can keep the guy who wins as a pet!!!

When I grew outdoors I had PM set up station on my plants. Thye kept them 100% bug free.

So lower your temp, put in good airflow and keep your girls healthy. Right now only my very lower leaves are being eaten, which aint so bad. I am planning on total extermination of their clans, its just some battles must be waged with time and patience.

If your plants are potted and mobile, I recommend putting them outside or in a bathtub and rinse the hell out of them. I like the tub bc they all go down the drain. I doubt you will get all of em, but this will flush away many breeding adults and eggs. Just my 2 cents.


Active Member
My opinion is look for spider mites

thats exactly (well, your picture is kind of fuzzy, so almost exactly) what spider mites look like...

and they are very very bad
pics are fuzzy but still able to see fine white specks on the leaves .. sounds like your uncertain.. so i'd say stfu


Well-Known Member
I ordered preyingmantis egg cases. 2 weeks into it, they still have not hatched. Dr Doom 5.5oz kills all moving critters. But a few days later the eggs hatch. In a week they have reproduced enough to decrease growth. So I am bombing every 3 days until my PM's hatch out. maybe today : )

I retract my original statment. I dont think they came from the cloner. Outside my house, several bushes have inch think spidermites on them. So these guys can slip thru a screen or be sucked in by the ac unit. I think if just one comes in from the outside, he find this oasis and starts breeding. So sorry to the hillbilly, I just never this problem before, but it is a doozy. At 14 buck a bomb every 3 days, this could get expensive if those PM dont hatch out and erradicate my problem.


Well-Known Member
I think I have spider mites too!! It's outdoors and supposed to get down to 40* tonight. And I can't get to my plants unless its pitch dark outside (neighbors) :(



Well-Known Member
Those are mites.

After expending a lot of energy and money, I still have mites.

Doctor Doom bombs brought the population down, but bombing every 3 days 4 times left me still with mites.

I finally went to the hydro store and got 1oz. floramite. 1 teaspoon in a gallon 2 drops dish soap mix and spray generously. Soak as much of the plant especially the underside of ALL of the leaves. I recommend a pressurized sprayer so you can turn it upside down and spray up.

This stuff remains active for 21 days and kills on contact. even kills eggs. Approved for use in Canada on vegitables, this is what you need.

The mites are annihilated. Anyone who did survive the tidal wave of florospray will die as soon as they move. each dried area of floro is a mine.

DIE BITCHES DIE!!!! hehehe sorry. this has been one heck of a battle.


Well-Known Member
Out here in europe we got this stuff called fertiligene spidermite..... Its en extremely powerful mite destroyer..... I like to use it to spray down the entire flowering room after each harvest, this stuff is so pungent that it knocks pretty much anything in the grow room out... And it should only be applied to plants which are still vegging...
One spray down and every single mite existing in that area is guaranteed gone..... the only down side.. is that it is a chemical... and im all about organics... and it smells so bad you dont wanna stay around it too long...
check it out.. maybe you can get it wherever it is you live...
peace out


Well-Known Member
MITE UPDATE: Death and Destruction

I used Floramite. 1st day. dead. 2nd day. same. 3 days later, EVERYTHING is dead. Zero movement and eggs are turning clear and crumbling.

This is the ticket to end mites. Chemically active for 21-30 days, then inert (like it never happened) after that. No residual. Does not affect smoke.

The infestation was shocking. On the bottom was a solid 6 inch web filled with millions of eggs. It was in the girl in the corner who cannot be reached without moving the plants out.

The recipe

1-2 teaspoons of floramite, 2 drops of dish soap (any kind). You do NOT need Penetrator! Save your $$$. Dish soap does the same thing. One gallon of ph nuetral 7.0 water (most tap water is pretty close to this if u are unsure test your water or use distilled water).

Mix this up, wear gloves and a mask and saturate ALL plant material ESPECIALLY the under side of leaves. Do not touch the leaves once wet with bare hands. It wont kill you but it aint healthy either. Just be careful. Mask is a pre caution also not essential, but for a buck it gives you peace of mind. DO NOT LEAVE high intensity lights on while plants are wet. Turn off light until dry or use CFL. Its not the floramite, its water plus high end light=burn.

I was also very impressed with the strength of my girls. They have been having the literal "life force sucked from them" by 1000's of mites and they still grew 1/4 1/2 inch per day. The second day after spraying floro, they grew 1-2 inches!!! Now all of the energy is going to growth, instead of feeding the free loaders. It made a huge difference. I was disappointed by the growth wondering if my soil mix might have been off, but it was the mites sucking away life.

So if you get mites, know flormite is the ticket. If you happen to have folamite resistant strains, AVID is stronger, but more $$$ and generally no one I spoke to has had to go to AVID. Floramite works great.

I am not concerned cuz these critters essentially ate all the leaves that I cut off anyways. But it did stunt growth.

It was such a relief to have this taken care of. After $150 worth of bombs, sprays, time and effort, an $18 bottle of floro eradicated them.

And like Anikan in SW3, "I killed them. I killed them all....and not just the men. The women, the children. They were like animals. And I slaughtered them like animals." I never felt better killing something before. These bastards deserved to die. I just wish it was a slower death. Imagine having crabs all over you and trying to go about your day. I believe temporary stress makes a plant overall better, so lets hope this makes bigger blooms. Daddy like the roses!


Well-Known Member
Update. its been a little over 2 weeks and no more mites. We are approaching the 21 day wear off time for this so I will keep you posted.

The praying mantis eggs still have not hatched. This was a bad idea with hindsight. They are out of season and would only be effective if I could have hatched them quickly. that didnt happen.

Girls look beautiful. getting a lot of growth now the mites arent sucking the life from them. My feeding for this grow

Big Bloom
Beastie Bloomz (for first 4 weeks)
Tiger Bloom (for last 4 weeks)
Grandma unsuplhered molassis every other feeding (veg until 4 weeks from pull)


Well-Known Member
Worthy to note: I do not understand Tiger Bloom

It is NOT PH balanced. one teasoon can take ph7 water down to 5.5!!! Almost all nutes I know of or used are always balanced to 7.0. This is kind of important as if you throw off your ph, it can lock up nute uptake.

The other thing I dont get....how is 2-8-4 EXTRA strength? Maybe it has more micro nutes in it? 8 is not very high. I feed my girls heavy doses of 10-50-30 a few times a week and they just soak it up.

I only mention this as I used TB and it dropped my ph and turned 2 girls lime green. I have switched to Beastie bloomz 0-50-30 mixed with General Hydro flora-micro 5-0-0 (I used 2 doses to bring the mixed solution to a 10-50-30). Plants are medium green with slight shade leaf tip burn. perfect.

Mites are still dead. Trust this forum people. Floromite is your ticket. Kills all adults and destroys the eggs. Eggs turned clear and never hatched.


spidermites are not fun, espeically the first time cuz usually you dont know wtf its wrong until you look under the leaves and almost shiut yourself when you realize they are covered in microscopic spiders.

and yep, they stunt the shit out of your growth. literally almost stops growing.

Anyways just thought id note that Safers End All II combined with Safer's Neem Oil eradicated my spider mite problem (its been 3 weeks since the last sign of them)

You have to do about 3-4 applications of the end all to kill them and the eggs, and then the neem oil should keep them from coming back at all. Space out your applications to every other day, misting with water in between, this will remove some of the chems so your plants can breathe, and the mites also hate moisture.


Well-Known Member
I tried 3 different neem oil products bfore floromite. They didnt seem to mind it all. IT sure didnt wipe them out.

I am all for natural products. In this case, I was glad for human chemical engineering. GO HUMANS!!!

If speidermites teamed up with cockroaches, I do believe they could take over the world. : P