White Spots On Leaves


Well-Known Member
Hope someone can help me figure this out. My Plants are in 4th week of flower in Coco with Cana Coco A + B nutes. They are doing pretty good except for the fact that they are gettin these white spots on the leaves. They go from white to yellow to grey and then the leaf just curls up and dies. The bottom leaves are the ones that are dieing, middle leaves have heavy spots, top leaves are the healthiest. Here are some pics. Hope someone can help. Oh and BTW it seems like whatever it is, its contaigious cause it started with one and now it looks like they all have it.


Active Member
SPIDERMITES!!! Look UNDERNEATH the leaves, are there tiny tiny little fucking bastards? Look closely they are like the size of this period -> . Or smaller..... If they are there and moving around, im sorry bro, burn your whole crop. Sterilize the hell out of everything and start over in a month or 2... and hopefully they dont come back...

Look into a pest management system in the future... one you maintain


Well-Known Member
Just figured ou the problem! Its THRIPES!!!! Anyone familiar with this little bug? My babies are in 4th week of flower so I dont want to shock them too hard. Any help please?????


Well-Known Member
I see why you all say spider mite damage. but it also looks different. all of the bites are away from the leaf veins. Spider mite damage is just sort of all over the place... i agree with OP. looks like thrips.

i know that with thrips... they put larvea in the soil and live and do damage above the soil... so to treat you will need to break the life cycle by treating with root drench AND spray. Maybe BT will work on the larvae?b Or pyganic/evergreen? Diat Earth might help, but when wet it is not effective. google.

they make those blue sticky traps, but not sure how effective they are.

Also, the common belief seems to be that you cannot use bug bombs during flower... this is not true... just make sure that you use a bomb that only contains pyrethrins. no byfenthrin, permethrin or cypermethrin... i believe doktor doom makes an all pyrethrin bomb. the pyrethrin breaks down in a few hours to nothing that will harm you or make the buds taste funny. To be safe, dont use it in the final days of flower.


Active Member
Week 4 of flwr and no boost yet?? N i think its spider mites too those fckers killed my last crop :/. If u want to try this. Put gloves on n spray nemoil on finger tips n rub all the leaves on the bottom n top. DONT TOUCH BUDS WITH IT THOUGH!


Active Member
It is definitely thirps and azamax will cure the problem in one or two doses. Not sure about using it in flower though? OP will have to do the research on that one. I know it works in veg, and I usually give my plants going into the bud area a low dosage spray down with azamax just to be safe! Other than the dreaded fungus gnat issue I had, which was cured with one treatment of Gnat Maxx(new product), I have not had any bugs in my bud area ever!(knock on wood)


Well-Known Member
HeartlandHank will the pyrethrin bomb kill spider mites too???
Yeah. It's not going to 100 percent eradicate them though. Bomb 3 times at 3-5 day intervals.

It's just going to knock them back though. Not solve your problem. If you do not eradicate at some point it will just make it worse.

Pyrethrins are a good flower-safe knockdown contact killer. But they aren't going to eradicate a serious infestation.


Active Member
OP did you look under the leaves?

For SM the Doktor Doom bomb, Mighty Wash, Neem all didnt do shit. They literally laughed at me, 2 hours after a thorough mighty wash drench immediately followed by doktor doom pyrenthen bomb and i watched one shit out an egg under my microscope. The little bastards seemed to be moving faster than ever before and did not die.

Azamax did not kill them... slowed them down though... lost that battle eventually.... Then they came back and against every moral fiber in my body I had to use Avid. Which killed the fuck out of them, a couple months later i found some on 1 plant and went ape shit spraying everything down again and scrubbing everything with bleach. Haven't seen 1 since (fingers crossed and butthole clenched) been a few months...

May the force be with you, you are gonna need it if it's SM. Unless you go nuclear with Avid or Flourmaite. Neither are safe at all to use this late in flower - out of the question for you at this point not a safe option.

With the amount of damage showing on your leaves if they are truly caused by SM burn your crops bro. They are fucked beyond repair already.


Active Member
Azamax shouldnt leave a flavor if used as a root drench. Not sure if that will kill thrips though... Probably not lol


Well-Known Member
At week 4 and looking at that infestation a root drench (systemic) method will not work.
Unfortunately you're gonna have to spray and pray they are not spider mites. If you are sure you don't have spider mites try A-1 Unique for a sack of ladybugs and let them go to town!
I used to order from this company years ago when i had aphids and or thrips and it worked for me but I got tired of waking up with ladybugs crawling on me.
Good luck.


Well-Known Member
OP did you look under the leaves?

For SM the Doktor Doom bomb, Mighty Wash, Neem all didnt do shit. They literally laughed at me, 2 hours after a thorough mighty wash drench immediately followed by doktor doom pyrenthen bomb and i watched one shit out an egg under my microscope. The little bastards seemed to be moving faster than ever before and did not die.

Azamax did not kill them... slowed them down though... lost that battle eventually.... Then they came back and against every moral fiber in my body I had to use Avid. Which killed the fuck out of them, a couple months later i found some on 1 plant and went ape shit spraying everything down again and scrubbing everything with bleach. Haven't seen 1 since (fingers crossed and butthole clenched) been a few months...

May the force be with you, you are gonna need it if it's SM. Unless you go nuclear with Avid or Flourmaite. Neither are safe at all to use this late in flower - out of the question for you at this point not a safe option.

With the amount of damage showing on your leaves if they are truly caused by SM burn your crops bro. They are fucked beyond repair already.
Read after I posted. You are "spot" on.


Active Member
Read after I posted. You are "spot" on.
Thank you sir! :mrgreen:bongsmilie:peace:

OP Good Luck! Report back on if you looked at the underside of the leaves and see anything super tiny crawling around... You really need like a 40 - 60x scope to be sure if it's sm or not and get a good look at the evil little bastards...
One of my favorite dirty little tricks...isopropyl alcohol! Mix a part of 91% alcohol with equal parts water. Good bye to just about everything tiny! However, This is NOT for FLOWERING plants. Will dissolve the trics...so unfortunate it infested so late in the game! Also runs a bit cheaper than with most products. Good luck!

Also, azamax is safe to use into near harvest ONLY as a root drench. As a spray, do not use it close to harvesting.