White stems

This bit looks like the cut section in the first picture to me.
I could be wrong.
The pic under the light inside has no green growth on the bottom.
Then he took it outside.
Now it has green growth on the bottom and an additional branch at the bottom.
Maybe I am just seeing it wrong or not understanding his explanation.
Its the same plant. Second photo i posted was taken like 30 minutes before i take the one i posted first when plants was outside growtent.
What have your temperatures and humidity been during the grow?

Are there any holes in your stems anywhere?

Humidity is about 50% all the time. Temp sometimes drop to about 15 celsius at night, little low but nothing drastical. When lights are on its constant 26-27 celsius
Holy shit! Do you have someone in the house that dislikes your hobbies and may have intentionally poisoned it?