White Widow Aero Grow


Well-Known Member
All my plants been top and ready to start flowering. I'll start on the first of month which will be this weekend. My haze plant is already showing her sex. I can't tell the sex of my ww plant. But my haze plant in my AG is female.


Active Member
Hi Aero,

That is so awesome. How did you know when they were ready? I thought I read that 2/3 of the little hairs should be brown but guess you don't reallly know until you get lucky enough to be at that stage. You must be ecstatic! Can't remember (I've been reading so much lately, like crazy) if you mentioned how strong the aroma was towards the end?? How heavy did they get and how did you support them?

Thanks too for your kind words and the last email. :hug: Just so you know, I changed my ID to happygrow as the tink ID has other stuff related to it and didn't want to mix them, so didn't see your emails until just now.

(1) I've figured out that my faulty MH bulb that kept turning off and on affected the growth of my plants. (2) Also at first I had the doors closed (what's the use of a closet-looking-shed for secrecy if you have to keep the doors open) and the temps kept spiking to 94-95 occasionally. Now I leave them open, so eventually want to get another fan so I can close it up. (3) Also haven't had the PPMs high enough either cuz the builder of my grow shed said only 300 ppms for 3" and they're still that short :cry: but just talked to a guy at the hydro shop re nutes and he said they should be up to 1000 ppms and that's also a reason they would stay small. Doesn't seem like I've done much right, but at least I still have 4 of the 9 I originally got, all of which sprouted after 2 yrs in the fridge, WOW!! Hoping mine that are left are all girls, yeah right, LOL. How great you have a girl!!! :clap:

I read another article that said when the plants were in veg stage just before blooming and hadn't shown sex yet that you could cover one branch and bud area with a black bag for 12 hrs every day and in about 7 to 10 days that branch would exhibit sex so you'd know to get rid of the males. Thought that sounded interesting since it's so critical.

Decided I ought to start my own thread so others can give me a helping hand, but not sure how to start one. Have to figure that out...ugh, more reading. I feel like I'm chained to the tank and the computer. What happened to the great outdoors???

So, let me know how it goes and any tricks you discover along your way. I'm so glad to hear you did so well! I read another thread about WWs and a couple of pages in the guy got up one day and they were all dead. Poor guy! Even I felt devastated!!

Good luck and have fun getting sticky on the 1st!! I'll be thinking about you. So, if you want to write me back, I'm at happygrow@yahoo.com or better yet, look for me on rollitup. I'll go post to your thread so you can find me. Hope to hear from you soon although I'm sure you're going to be very busy!!! :weed:

Till then,
Happier and Happier grower!! (Or Tink)


Well-Known Member
Dude that's way too much info. Keep it simple PLEASE. Sorry 4 being rude. That's just the way I AM. Thanks......i guess LOL!


Active Member
Sorry, thought that was a private message. Didn't realize it was posted. Still a flaming newbie, how embarassing. You're not rude, it's fine, and still, THANKS!


Well-Known Member
I used AG nuts for my haze plant. The small pills from master garden kit. I used one at a time. And only used two of them throw out the entire veg stage. That's how strong those nutrient pills are. I plan on using something else when i start flowering.

Dirty Snoob

Active Member
I've heard the fox farm nutes work good with the AG. Though there are so many different kinds of nutes, I am sure that fox farm isn't the best.

Dirty Snoob

Active Member
do you know much about growing in soil indoors? I think I am going to try both mediums and see which I like best.


Well-Known Member
I've heard the fox farm nutes work good with the AG. Though there are so many different kinds of nutes, I am sure that fox farm isn't the best.
When i started everybody here was using TEK's rescipe. I want to be different. I already know fox farm is GREAT. What else is out their?.