White widow amber at week seven....

Stark Raving

Active Member
I've got some White widows in the flower room that are at week 7. Now normally I harvest later than most, because I find a lot of people get too anxious and harvest before they should. But these white widows have that "finished" look, and the tricomes are already around 30% amber.

I'm not terribly concerned, but did think this was a little strange. Has anyone else encountered this before?


Well-Known Member
I have the opposite situation with some of Dutch Passions White Widow; week 10 and just starting to turn amber, none too white either.
(I'm slightly concerned, as I'm running out of herb! ;-))


Global Moderator
Staff member
I've got some White widows in the flower room that are at week 7. Now normally I harvest later than most, because I find a lot of people get too anxious and harvest before they should. But these white widows have that "finished" look, and the tricomes are already around 30% amber.

I'm not terribly concerned, but did think this was a little strange. Has anyone else encountered this before?
That seems terribly early for DP WW - I have had the same experience as sworth - 12 ish weeks for them to finish.
How about a couple of bud pics?

LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
white strains should not be allowed to over rippen meaning turning amber it will lost potency i have had test done to prove this i was a white widow and white rhino grower for a long time

Stark Raving

Active Member
I agree that it's really early for amber. I usually harvest these at ten weeks (1 week transition + 9 weeks flower). I guess I should clarify, these girls are at 8 weeks of 12/12. I just never count the first week of transition.

So drifter, would you harvest them now? It seems so early that I am having a hard time wrapping my head around it.

Sorry guys, no pics.

LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
i had better reviews from patients when it was about 9 weeks of 12/12, if your going for yeild let it go 10-11 wks, its your grow so your the one to make the call, not me. either way the shit going to kick your f'in ass, better get a few cans a soda ready lol

Stark Raving

Active Member
Ya got that right. It's my 4th run of WW, and I think I'll keep it around for quite some time yet (always got a half dozen strains on the go, so I don't think I'll get tired of it any time soon). I think I'll just chop a bud, let er dry for a few days and see how it is.

Thanks for the input. Now I know who to go to for Widow advice.

Stark Raving

Active Member
Like I said in post #5, no pics. And they aren't nescessary. I don't mean to sound like a dick, but this isn't my first dance. I know full well what amber trics look like.