White widow and blue berry by bongspit...

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New Member
awesome growing bro. how do you like those grow bags as opposed to pots? how much are they?
hey masta thanks...the bags are ok..you have to be careful they easier than a pot to knock over and when you water you have to careful because if you hit the edge it will fold over and the water goes everywhere...they were $9.99 for 25...


New Member
Nice ventilation mr. Bong.

Nice group of pics you took.
At fisrt I was disappointed that I had mytery seeds but now that I am seeing all the differences, I am glad I don't know what some of them are.

It is a mystery.:mrgreen:
here are some pics...pic#3 is my ventilation system pic #8 is the blueberry the last pic id the mystery seed...


Well-Known Member
Nice pics bongspit. I hope the tall one turns out to be a girl. My two tallest plants "the twins" both turned out female.


New Member
Nice pics bongspit. I hope the tall one turns out to be a girl. My two tallest plants "the twins" both turned out female.
hey bulldog thanks for stoppn by...I read on here somewhere that the big ones are more than likely male...but I hope they are all female...:leaf:


Well-Known Member
hey bong how ya been? im learning that one girl is all it takes to make many more:)!!!????!!! These plants you are growing now are clones right


New Member
hey bong how ya been? im learning that one girl is all it takes to make many more:)!!!????!!! These plants you are growing now are clones right
hey kaya...no these are from seed...I have never seriously tried cloning...I tried once but I did not really have a plan so they died...


New Member
new pics today...it seems as if they really like the added nutes...most of the red stems seem to be almost gone...thanks guys for the help...



New Member
this is the one that was the runt, so I put it in the back corner and tada...it's one of the biggest now...

I think I will start flowering monday...
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