White widow and blue berry by bongspit...

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New Member
I'd burn one in a heartbeat with Mr. Bong too but he won't share his pipe wif me:?:roll:
Fuck isnt it ironic to have no weed to smoke but a closet full of growing bud that you cant touch. it drive me crazy when im dry. Id burn one with yeah in a heartbeat bong!!!


New Member
i've changed 3 times now...I think I changed it to biological studies. But I dont know if I am smart enough for that. I really dont know what I want to do with myself for the rest of my life.
I know this may sound trite...but figure out what your good at and what you like...if you find that, you will be happy...a lot of people go to college as a way to make money...but find those two things and the money will come..:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I know this may sound trite...but figure out what your good at and what you like...if you find that, you will be happy...a lot of people go to college as a way to make money...but find those two things and the money will come..:mrgreen:
but what if i'm not smart enough!? i dont want to live in a cardboard box...idk what i'm good at AND what I like.


New Member
Not trifle in the least. Extremely important info.
& I agree 100%. Far too many people strive for regonition and top dollar because they 'believe' that this is what will make them happy.:?
I think we are 'conditioned' throughout life to think this way but in reality it only sounds good on paper but thats about it.
Good luck with your endevours SS. Your are a smart cookie for sure.:mrgreen:

Mr. Bong here is a prime example of a very happy man. He does what makes him happy and sticks with that. Fixes up cars and trucks, drives an awesome bike, grows and smokes weed. Retired at an early age doing things that he loves!! What more could he ask for?:mrgreen:
AND has a VERY VERY positive attitude which, in my opinion, is at the heart of all good things.:hug::p

I know this may sound trite...but figure out what your good at and what you like...if you find that, you will be happy...a lot of people go to college as a way to make money...but find those two things and the money will come..:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
here here for BongS.....well said and totally on board with those words...and Lacy too! believe in your core, who you are and what you can do. shit happenss to everyone, the real happy ones walk on (after learning something hopefully, but walking on). In short, go with whatever your gut is telling you, I know in my case I went with what I thought I was supposed to, only to realize its all about choices. each and every thing you do and say is your choice. so if you make a choice and it doesn't quite end up where vyou expected it to, the option is for you to make a new choice. so you feel maybe your not smart enough, or how can you know what you like, start trying shit all over the place, and don't get discouraged when somthning doesn't work out, its part of the process. enjoy each moment that you are in and then make a new choice to experience a new moment. wow...sorry....I'm stoned! hahahahahahaha!
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