White Widow and Northern Lights tent grow ****Comments Appreciated***


Active Member
Ok, so this post is gonna be a long one but its a long start to this grow so its warranted. Im not normally so long-winded so dont fear that every time you check this thread its going to be a new chapter in the grow novel.

I put seeds in the dirt in July, I was using a an organic approach that my wife had success with in her greenhouse and garden so I figured why not? The mix was 1 part organic compost 1 part topsoil and 1 part perlite. I started 9 plants directly into 5 gallon buckets in a 5x5 tent. Everything looked good, 100% germ rate and the plants made it to 2 sets of leaves in a hurry... then stopped! I tried everything I could think of to get them better and nothing worked. BTW I started them until week 2 on cfl lamps then switch to 1000w Metal Halide in a Saturn 6 cooltube hood. So I moved the 4 healthiest of the 9 plants into my wifes greenhouse and started 6 new plants in the same soil mix again thinking maybe I had a couple days during the first week where it was too hot (95) outside and the plants got heat stress. So first week of August had 6 seeds. 5 Germinated 1 didnt... Looked great again right up to the 2nd set of leaves then they just stopped!!!! Damn! Only common denominator here was this soil mix.... So I stopped by my local hydroponics shop and talked with the guy there for about an hour. Went home with ProMix HP and a big bag of coco medium with a wealth of knowledge about how to use these 2 mixes specifically as they are the hydro store owners choice and he uses them himself. Said you have to be specifically cautious using the coco as it drains quick and dries fast and said the ph is really low on it.

So I went home and pulled my best 6 of the plants (2 from the greenhouse that were already 6 weeks old and only 3 inches tall with 3 spindly sets of leaves) and 4 of my newest batch which were at 2 sets and very small despite being 3 weeks old. I rinsed the roots completely of dirt, they all had fairly small root systems considering their age, and planted them in the new medium (3 in the coco and 3 in the ProMix HP).

After only 2 weeks in the new mediums they are some of the healthiest plants I have ever grown. I pinched them at 5 sets 4 days ago and the branching sets now are putting out 9 points IN ONLY 2 WEEKS!!!. Turns out the organic compost had severe fungus that was attacking the root system, went to the nursery where I bought it and the woman there said that it is meant to sit for a year and break down before using it... whatever.

So I am now starting a grow journal here so people can comment and give their ideas and advice, or just ask questions. I have an amazing camera (Sony Alpha 77 24.3 megapixel) for taking pictures of the grow so there will be many good pictures hopefully... I have many pictures of my plant in their sickly state from before too if people want them for reference. Looking forward to becoming a more positive contributor to the rollitup growing community. So here they are 2 weeks after making the switch but theyve been in dirt for5 weeks ( the 2 on the far right that are smaller have been in dirt for 8 weeks)

*nevermind on the awesome 24.3 mp pics.,.. the uploader resized them.... oh well



Active Member
Hello all... Just thought I would give a 5 day pic update. No problems this week at all. I started the big bloom 6 days ago and plan to switch light cycle tomorrow. The height of my tallest is 15 inches and my shortest is 11 inches. I know they are a little short but they are all staggering nodes now and I can only afford about 42 inches of height, If anyone has grown NL or WW please let me knw the multiplier for flowering height... do they grow 3x? or 2x the height of when you start flowering? These are non fem seeds so odds are I will only get 3 ladies and theres no guarantee it will be one of the taller ones... Should I hold off another week? Speak before tomorrow or itll be too late. Pic is of group, and the tallest plant for comparrison to the same pics posted 5 days agoDSC01198.jpgDSC01204.jpg


Active Member
Ok, So I switched to flower cycle 2 weeks ago and my tallest plant is 26 inches now. So almost double in size so far. The other piece is I have a 100% fem rate. All 6 plants are fem, I dont think I have room for a 6 plant grow. Might move a couple out and veg them for clones or stress it to herm so I can get some fem seeds..


Active Member
Ok, so since I havent been seeing anyone ollowing or replying to my posts Ive not been as active. Something new is happening thought and Im hoping the community will chime in. Ive never seen lowers grow from center of an leaves before. Thinking maybe I nshould try to take clones even though they are entering 6th week flower since this would seem to be incredibly desired trait. If anyone else has seen this before please let me know.



Well-Known Member
I've seen it happen on other threads within the community. You can get a clone at this stage. I would put it under 24 hours of light and it's going to take a little longer to root. It took me about 3 weeks last time I did it. She'll need to revert back to veg and she'll grow funny for a time


Active Member



Well-Known Member
Nice. Looks good from the start. Confused a little though as to why there isnt alot of new growers in here picking your brian.


Active Member
I pulled 12 clones, My buddy has them in his veg room trying to see if they pull out of flower again. It has the most swollen colas too. Probably be my biggest yielder, but it seems as though it will be my latest finisher as it is running about 2 weeks behind the others since the flowering switch. took 14 days to show sex when the others showed in about 4 days


Well-Known Member
lol well hope they go well m8. they rooting at all yet?

mine have just finnished 4th week flowering, i think they are going good so far, have a look if you like, just updated it :) - Click here gonna get better pics tomorrow, try and get them not blurry lol


Active Member
Some are rooting but none are wilted yet so they might be viable clones. Had a slight scare with some leaves getting brown spots but I researched that it is a cal-mag def. Ive been using cal-mag plus but only when I use fert... apparently I need it every watering with the medium I am using. Hopfeully I caught it in time and the flowers wont get kissed by the brown spots. I think 1 of my northern lights will be done at 7 weeks, my other northern lights should be done at 8 weeks, my 3 White widows should be done between 8 and 9 weeks, and my Pure Power Plant sativa should be done at 10. The pure power plant was a seed freebie from my seed bank and it grows like a big bud... colas are filling in nice but its slower than the other 2 strains. I just ordered 40 more seeds for upcoming grows... Amnesia Haze, Bubblegum, and THC Bomb... Amnesia Haze was a bit more pricey, is there anyone out there that has grown it first hand that can tell me about the grow and the smoke?


Well-Known Member
Those clones you took when flowering will test your patience. When the growth goes back to normal I clone off the clone to avoid the oddness is those early leaves, just because.