White Widow-Big Bud - how big before flowering


New Member
This is my first grow.
I am using a 2x2x5 ft grow tent i paid $90, a UFO LED grow light $90 both bought on Amazon; also a 150 watt replacement CFL in a trouble lamp with reflector from a hardware store for $40. I used peat cups and miracle grow starter and Shultzes potting soil mixed with 30%MG Perilite all for $$25 at Walmart. I have an exention cord with 3 plug as i have a space heater in the basement where its and a manual power timer ($8)

I paid $10 for each white widow- big bud seed. I used paper towel to germinate(48 hours) and into peat cup with MG starter. 5 long days to sprout. After 8 days i transfered it into the pot In the photo. This shot is after 15 days since sprouting ( yesterday). I transfered it yesterday into a 3 gallon pail with drainage. As you can see from the second photo the plant seems happy.
I am wondering how large can I grow it before starting to flower it. I am a patient guy, I smoke very little so am in no hurry, ai would just like the best quality (not quantity though that who be bonus).
PS I am using a ipad anfd can't attach the photo - will try other computer


New Member
Is that wide as well as height?
Mine are wider than higher. I have about 3 feet up total (5 feet minus pot and light) but 2 feet wide


I would give it few weeks before to turn it into flower. I have a bigger good problem than yours and you might want to learn from it. Check my journals.