White Widow CFL Grow


Day 2:
White Widow CFL Grow, GreenHouse seeds.
First seed germinated for 1 week, and this is the second day of growth.
Soil: mixed with perlite and clay balls :D
Light: 125W CFL with reflector, 18/6 timing for veg
Nutes: tap water for now, Advanced Nutrients and TNT(hesi) later on.
day 2.jpg


Well-Known Member
great strain choice. good looking plants. ive done a similar grow and this is what i would do.

light: 2-4 inches above ur plants. and i would grab a 150hps or more for flower.


Re-potted both of the plant into one 50L Pot (Soil-Perlite(30%)-Powdered SeaWeed)
*A very strange thing happened :) a third plant started growing 10 days ago, Donno where it came from :)



Finally got my new equipment and nutes yesterday:
+Secret Jardin DR60 2ndGEN
+100mm 105m3 Fan
+AN Voodoo Juice 500ml
+AN Iguana Juice Grow 1L

Plant shaping:
+LSTing since week 2
+Topped both of the plants once, 3 days ago.


+Temp (25C/day) (20/night)
+Light 18/6 (will switch to 12/12 in a week or on Day 40)
+Humidity 50-60
+Watering once/twice a week, that was before the Secret Jardin setup

+Voodoo Juice 1.5ml/L
+Iguana Juice Grow 2ml/L
+Hesi TNT complex 1ml/L

Enjoy the Pics :weed:



Just finished making my PC cloning box with a 35W 2700K CFL.

*Any suggestions on how to keep humidity close to 100% without totally covering the plant?
For now i have 2 cm of water on the bottom (not touching the starter cube) and the plant is covered with a dome.

Clone Update / Day 2


<b>White widow Update / day 2 flowering

I switched the lights to flowering mode yesterday and i added a 125W 6500K CFL that i had laying around.



i would use the dome for about 2 weeks or until you know you have roots. better safe then sorry.
Thx! i'll keep that in mind :)

I used Juicy roots for cloning and i added a bit of Voodoo Juice to the water solution, so we'll see how it goes. It's my first cloning experience so i'm trying my best not to overdo it.


Well-Known Member
the way i do my clones is(probably not the best way to do clones) i get my soil a little wet in a container. mix it good so moisture is even threw out the soil. cut my clone, take what im taking off of it. dip in water for 5-10 sec dip in rooting powder, then stick in cup ready with wet soil. push soil around clone, mist clone. put clear cup on for hum dome. leave in 18 hours of light, and do a air exchange 2 times a day. i blow air under the cup some times when puting it on to help raise co2 level a little. < not even sure if it helps or not lol


One of the two plants (from feminized seed!!) turned out to be a Hermi :( so it got the death sentence. More room for the other one i guess ;)


1- Pic Update:

2- Problem (need advice):

Leaves curling down abit and some are getting spots (not the rusty type spots) but more like loss of pigments and crispy.
-I might have ph problems since i don't have a ph meter.
-definitely not nute burn, cus i'm not overfeeding in any way, maybe some deficiency (that's more probable).
- no heat problems either, but i'm not sure about humidity problems since i don't know the level of humidity.
Suggestions are very welcomed :D