White Widow Grow starting 3rd Week flower


Quick shot of my White Widow, first time growing it, LST , 8 plants under 2000w. What kind of return do you think I will get


2000w aircooled, water heater c02, sunshine #4 soil-less ph 6.3, 5gal smart pots LST, 5 week veg. AN SENSI, Big bud, Voodoo juice, b-52. They will receive Big bud for this week and next then get over drive for 3 more. Its a high sativa strain of it. Long flower. Its mom was grown from seed so they are prime cuts too


Well-Known Member
very nice , imo it matters not if the mother is grown from seed , the genetics remain. Rep and subbed.


Active Member
Week 1-2 of flowering should be all about flowering. Week 3-4 should be about bud growth. Week 5-8 of flowering should be all about making the buds sticky and big.


Active Member
Week 1-2 of flowering should be all about flowering. Week 3-4 should be about bud growth. Week 5-8 of flowering should be all about making the buds sticky and big.
My WW's doubled in height during the first 1-3 weeks of 12/12. Growth has stopped now by now.


so you're prob flushing getting ready for harvest. I'm looking forward to my next harvest my first one wasn't so great.


Active Member
Hello those of you growing white widow my plants are at around 12-15 inches when is the best point to start flowering them?

Thanks BossOC