White Widow Hydro Fog journal


Sector 5 Moderator
I'm using Ionic; one of the mods here reccommended it to me and it's working terriffic. I used A.N. last year, the two part stuff with all the extras; I think I had about 14 different things; I felt like a fricking chemist for sure. I felt like you did during the grow but my plants didn't turn out like the ones A.N. grows. It could have been me but the WW grow is going nuts; of course I discovered something this morning as I was taking my clones (again) - these plants are very sativa dominant. The leaves are very slender and long, very unlike the broad leaves of the indica I grew last year.

Now that I've flipped my plants, I just dug out my A.N. stuff to see what I need to add to the rez. According to the chart, It's time to add the Bud Blood and Carboload. I'll also add some B52. I have the Overdrive, Big Bud, Sweet Leaf and Final Finish but it's not time for those yet. The pH down I use is from A.N. also. Seven grams each of Bud Blood and Carboload is now in the rez and the ppm's were down about 500 from two days ago; these girls are loving this Ionic!! Topped it off a little.


Well-Known Member
so potpimp, when you used the AN before, did your ppm jump the day after you changed the water?

when i changed the water i checked PPM, it was 780, this morn it was 1400. WTF....is that because the plants were basically done feeding for the day and then when they woke up this monrnig they were hungry so the electric current in the res is more active because the plants are more active??? I noticed when i put in my pump this morning to take some of the water out and dilute it, the PPM went down when i turned on the pump...weird huh


Well-Known Member
lmao, the sucky thing is that i won't be able to tell if its too much until a couple days, byt hen they will either be ok, or burnt


Well-Known Member
OK, I've stopped laughing now so I can continue. You're talking about topping the plants. Honestly, I'm very Leary of doing that considering my 100% success record of killing my clones. They are in the second week of flower cycle and should be showing some bud sites very soon. Do you think it would be smart to take clones from them at this stage? I FIM'ed them so I guess if I took clones from the top and they survived, they would be bushy little monsters - if the lived. I would consider taking the top clones if you thought it would work out for the existing plants. I am scrapping the aero idea; it just isn't working for me. I'm going to whip up a clone unit with the 396 pump. I've got a great little cabinet with no airflow, warm, a clone dome I can put over it and I've got all the other things to make it work.
im uploading pics of a cloning session now, but just wanted to say no you do not want to take clones after you flip the light, the aero cloners need to have a space that will not heat up the rez, rez temps need to stay below 75, 72 really or stuff will start to grow in your rez. be back with pics on cloning for ya


Sector 5 Moderator
thanks offgrid. I topped two of my plants and got 3 clones from each one. I also took a clone from the base of another plant. 7 of the ones I took a few days ago had already died. I put these in peat plugs in a 2" net pot with a neoprene collar and put them in the aero unit. No clone dome but it's nice and warm in there with the water and the CFL and only about 12 cu ft.


Well-Known Member
if your using an aero cloner you dont need the peat pellets, the peat pellets are the soil way to go, the neo-collar and net pot are all you need for the aero cloner, unless your pumps not working or something like that,other wise your going to get crap in your pump from the peat pellets. I do both soil and aero cloner. but to be honest with you my aero cloner isnt producing roots, im trying to figure it out, thought it might have been temps, but im in the good zone, so its either ph spiking or something else im not aware of, if my ph is back up again tomarrow then im going to shut it down and just use the peat pellets and soil until i save enough to buy all the parts for my aero conversion.


Well-Known Member
aeroponics likes to use a lower ph, around 5.5-5.8 is good (5.8 for normal hydro)

I found that if you use rooting hormone like dip-n-grow in your res for the fuirst week of the clones life it works well. Then the second week use hygrozyme and rhizotonic, then around the 15th day use 1/4-1/2 nutes and hygro + rhizo


Sector 5 Moderator
I didn't get a chance to spray them or take care of them Sunday so Monday morning they looked like hell. I sprayed them down every couple of hours, trimmed about half the leave mass off and turned off the light for 24 hours. This morning I replaced the 65w with a little 26w CFL and sprayed them good. Looks like some might survive yet. I'm going to leave them in the peat pots for now; I don't think anything is coming off them to mess up the fogger and my fogger has a teflon doo-dad anyway that supposed to keep anything from messing it up. Thanks guys!!


Well-Known Member
i guess it couldnt hurt then if your fogger wont clog up, and the pellets stay wet then you should have roots in 2 weeks really in less, good luck!!


Well-Known Member
btw, i wanted to know if you all are still growing White Widow? im a couple weeks from taking clones off my WW to find out what sex they are!


Well-Known Member
Day 58 (01/13)
Flowering Week 1 Day 6

So far no burning of the plants, the ppm stayed within 750ppm - 1200ppm. So my next water change which will most likely be tomorrow i will aim for 1200ppm. I now know that the PPM is measured without the plants in the water. if you measure while the plants are in the water, the PPM will be higher. also if you have a pump running in the water the PPM will be lower. Its best to measure PPM with nothing in the water except your nutes.

Things are looking good, my monster plants decides it wants to grow buck wild fast, so i had to chop her up one last time, i am not touching it anymore. I made the canopy even with the smaller plant so hopwfully they both wil grow evenly and get an even amount of light. Some of the Canna stuff im finding out i don't like. I don't like Cannazyme, it doesn't keep the root zone clean like i think it should plus it raises the PPM, i'll be switching back to hygrozyme for my enzyme formula which does not raise PPM (if so ever so slightly), works the best. Canna nutes however are great for my veg stage. Conno looks like its working just fine. Last when i first used it i was scared about using too much based on reports i've heard, but it seems like these plants can take twice the minimum dosage with ease, might try x2.5 the minimum this water change.

Leafs are green, the monster plant shows all kinds of sports and shit, its the sensitive one, but if giving the right care sensitive ones grow the best, so far so good. the smaller one looks like you average perfect cananbis plant. Check out the pot porn below, try to keep your pants on, they don't look that good! :weed:



Well-Known Member
hey bobby are both of those plants WW? your going to be dissapointed with your bud size and yield if you let those plants keep all that lower growth, and foliage in the center is blocking the light, your using a 600W, then at this point anything under 3" of your canopy isnt going to produce well and should be removed to allow the tops to swell like donkey dicks. I plan on doing some experimenting with a few of my next batches to prove or disprove the theory of lollipopping vs bushing out. I will have pics and data for proof. but the advice is from experience my buddy just took down a similar grow as yours, he let his plant get that big too with a 600, wasnt happy with the results. hes watching my new grow to see if he learn anything from me now, lol


Well-Known Member
hey bobby are both of those plants WW? your going to be dissapointed with your bud size and yield if you let those plants keep all that lower growth, and foliage in the center is blocking the light, your using a 600W, then at this point anything under 3" of your canopy isnt going to produce well and should be removed to allow the tops to swell like donkey dicks. I plan on doing some experimenting with a few of my next batches to prove or disprove the theory of lollipopping vs bushing out. I will have pics and data for proof. but the advice is from experience my buddy just took down a similar grow as yours, he let his plant get that big too with a 600, wasnt happy with the results. hes watching my new grow to see if he learn anything from me now, lol

i have been cutting back fan leaves and branches that are blocking light, im in flowering so anything from here on out should be bud forming, i won't get much more foliage other than that which forms on buds.

What are you suggesting that i do, removed all lower branches that are not getting good light. Did you check out the pix, i removed the lower 3-4 nodes. Do you have an example of what i should do, im confused on what exactly you mean kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
, i know it seems like alot, and you feel like your missing out if you cut it off, but what ends up happing is the plant spends so much energy just suppling water to the entire plant the buds suffer in the end, but if you remove all that other mass your plants energy will be directed to whatever buds you leave and they will be bigger. thats a big girl, and little light, its going to keep growing for the next few weeks before it starts to fatten up keeping that in mind your girl still looks like it could take some more trimming. also look at it like this the tops are going to get the best light, your colas, well lets say your colas end up being 5"tall if your next node below is more than 2" its not going to connect to the main cola and its going to be smaller, then if the next node below is another 2" away its going to be even smaller, etc in your 1st pick i can see places where your internodes are way beyond 2", so find the growth under 3rd node from the top, per branch, per main stem and gut it , gut anything close to the main stem remeber the tops are getting all the best light, in the over head pic, you should be able to see your rez, barley but you should be able to see it thru the center mass area, cause thats where all your tops are going to fill in over the next few weeks.


Well-Known Member
so when i gut from the 3rd-4th node down, all my bud will grow from that 3rd-4th node upward, correct?

what if fast or vigorous plants can produce buds within a 4" gap?

What if you're wrong and i have to kill you!!!!! lol no but really...

you are talking about cutting off both fan leaves and nodes from branches of main stems right?


Well-Known Member
i already cut off like the first four-seven nodes from the bottom. Right now i only have six main branches


Well-Known Member
lol, really tho, it still looks good, i think everything will be ok, once the bud starts growing i will cut back the leaves according to how it is growing so that the bud can get the most light...or is that the wrong way??