White Widow in a tiny space

Oops. Got a little distracted yesterday. She's a week old now, and starting to grow a little faster.
By the way, I finally read the stickies at the top of the Grow Journal section, feel free to comment and all that jazz.
Looks good I'll follow along, seems like we're doing a very similar grow and I started mine in a Jiffy pod too.
How long did it take your widow to pop her head from the soil?
Someone gave me a white widow auto runt seed that I popped into a Jiffy pod but took a while to germinate. Here she is - way behind schedule
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She took a couple of days. Two nights anyway. About usual, ime. I've heard autos can be touchy, I'll be finding out for myself this coming season outdoors.
Guessing you live somewhere warmer than I do, lol. I won't be starting any peppers until Feb, and even then it'll just be the bhut jolokias. I don't start the habaneros, or jalapenos until mid March.
So, here's today's pic. I've decided to take them at lights on, and post them before dinner.

I also moved a test plant from this season's outdoor seeds in there a few days ago. It was under a 45w led desktop grow lamp I usually use for herbs & such. It didn't take too kindly to the move at first. A couple of leaves got a little scorched. It has recovered though. I might post a pic later, if you guys want to see it. I won't be up potting it at all, in a week or two I'll start moving it in and out of the space to give it 12/12, I'll also be up potting the White Widow at the same time so stretch shouldn't be an issue.
I'm actually happy to see that slight red tint on the newest leaves as they emerge. I've only ever seen it on plants that turned out well. I'd be worried if it didn't fade to green, but as you can see it goes away pretty quickly.
She looks great, my widow took almost ten days to pop up.
I did start my peppers a bit early this year. But hot peppers take a long time to get going usually. I didn't do the ghost peppers this year - I did them last year. This year I'm growing yellow devil's tongue, moruga satan strain, and orange tailed scorpions - they'll look pretty together when I make a wicked hot pepper relish.
I've grown moruga scorpions, the bhut jolokias I mentioned, and 7 pots, as far as superhots go. Congo red habaneros, orange habs, and assorted weaker hots. The superhots always grow slowly, habs a bit less so. I started all of them in February last year, and the Hungarian hots had peppers on them already when they went outside. They were too big to put cages around without breaking branches so I just went with stakes. The prettiest ones were the explosive ember and black pearl varieties. The foliage was a purple so dark it looked black, even the cotyledons. The flowers were purple too, and the peppers started purple and then turned black, then to dark red. Not a lot of heat, about equal to cayenne, but tasty.