White Widow LED grow


I'm definitely gonna let you guys know, I'm excited to see her dry weight myself.

Well I've only ever bought LEDs, been acquiring them over a year or so, and I am up toooo like 8 or 9 all together, I have a bunch of the 28Ws and 1 300, but ima be getting a grip more


so i have a noob question. im not sure whats going on, but it seems like her top leaves are dying (no pics yet) it all started happening when she didnt get watered for like 5 days, and her top ones yellowed and shit, in what im guess was her going into survival mode and sapping nutes out of the water leaves so she wouldnt die. all her lower leaves are fine, but her tops are lame looking, ive taken a ton of the leaves away because they were just dead weight, is this normal, should i worry, i havent tried anything to correct it thinking it was just because she didnt get watered


She's pretty much doneski growing wise, it's definitely stopped, I'm cutting her down slowly,I don't have the time to cut her down all at once unfortunately


Tragedy struck yesterday, my vent hose out popped off and my room got up to 93!! Luckily I had only cut down a few of her branches and junk, because her still live self is doing fine, I cut up the now super crispy buds and threw them in jars, and they are doing much better, 3/4 jars are much more moist


She's looking mighty fine, here's a pic of the stuff that got super dried out and now curing for one day.

Stuff before it got dried up, wove the stalks in the chain, holds good, easy nice and compact



Some has been curing for about a week now, some is just a few days, mainly the kolas, some pics.
Just taken:

Couple days ago:

I'm taking guesses haha, I have a 40g, a couple 2oz, an optimistic fellow at 3oz haha, personally I'm thinking 28-42 range