White widow-prozack-ufo #&2 out door grow


Well-Known Member
Hello this will be my first grow journal and its mostly for me to document everything I do and to make improvements for my next grow. I just purchased 5 feminize g13 labs WW seeds, and a feminized prozack medical seed. The order also came with a few freebies, Cinderella 99, and BUBBLEGUMMER. After revising my plans over and over I think I have finally finished my planning, so the basics of the plan is to get the seeds at the end of January ( they have already been ordered) and POP them within the first week of February. As they continue to sprout Nd grow into seedlings I will be working on the site which is in a secluded area of the woods where a natural clearing has formed after some persuasion from my hatchet and machette.


Well-Known Member
  • Seeds - Complete
  • Aquarium air pump w/stone - Complete
  • Scouted out suitable area - Complete
  • Clear area of brush and sun blocking trees - Complete
  • Build fence around perimeter - In Progress
  • Dig bed for soil - Awaiting More Info
Note: this checklist will constantly be updated with new objectives, goals, and supplies.
Hope everything goes good bro!! Nothing like a little chopping with a machete to persuade bothersome trees man. I have about 100 acres here in NE Texas that has plenty of nice open spots that are well secluded. I am about to order a few strains from DNA Genetics and get a garden going as well. Sure is nice to have a natural spring in the middle of my woods. I am Subbed and ready to see what happens!!!


Well-Known Member
Ok I am almost done with my grow site and with plenty of time left as there is still snow on the ground, the seeds should be getting here within a couple days.40 spot bubbler clone is ready to be started and the seedling setup is ready to be assembled germination will start Monday at the latest. Also I have pictures of the bubble cloner, location, and seedling setup but it won't let me upload them from my phone how can I get the pics on here.


Well-Known Member
Ok finally found a way to add pictures this is my spot a few days ago there is now a makeshift fence around the whole thing, all of the branches that were blocking the sun were trimmed. Now I just need to wait till the snow melts and I can start some real work, the seeds will start on Monday under 6 2 foot long floros(not much but its all I have right now).
Note: this is the spot for the exotic plants there will be a separate section for the rest.


Well-Known Member
Ok I was out at my super secret location and decided to look at what I have for soil and this is what I got
its full of small roots from the brush but I think I should be able to dig it all up remove most of the roots and mix it with some potting soil perilite and compost and so on to cut the soil and save money does this soil look useable?


Well-Known Member
The seeds came in today going to germ them soon as for the soil I dug up the top 2 inches of soil and used only that to test it with a bagseed and its growing extremely fast actually, 24 hours seed to 1 inch seedling. Also got the seedling set up it has 6 48" 40 watt bulbs and 5 23 watt cfls around the sides of the table and a heated fan for both wind and heat. As of now I'm trying to seal everything and fill the room with co2. Total wattage is some where around 300 for a 4x2 area is that enough ?


Well-Known Member
If any one was actually watching this grow I'm sorry to inform you that it will no longer be happening since I have to move at the end of may. As an alternative I will be doing to plants both indoor under 6 48" 4100k floro tubes with 2 13 watt cfls ( ill end up buying a few more ) ill veg them for 1 month and then switch them to 12/12 and hopefully have them flower in 50 days the strains are cinderella 99 and white widow I also will Hr taking clones while thy are in veg and put them under the same light once roots are established. Seeds just swelled up enough and started to crack