White Widow - Top buds turned bright white? This can't be right...Video inside!


Hey all, I have a serious problem that I can't identify. I have searched both on here and other grow sites, as well as good old google. Over the past few days, my tallest plant top cola has turned albino? I dont know how else to describe it. Also the top leaves on the cola are definitely being deprived of nutrients, they are brown and not healthy. Off the top of my head my guess is light is too close. It is a 1000 watter inches away. Problem is I can't move it up any more, the plant is at 73". I also haven't changed the water for about a month, so I did that today. The worst thought I have is it has to do with the powdery mildew I've been battling the last few weeks. Is that possible?

Heres a video, any ideas or suggestions? Any questions ask away.


Grow journal located here: https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/533737-first-grow-hydro-ebb-gro.html

Cajun Grower

Active Member
1000wts inches away is deff to close looks like ur getting some heat burn mite be why its turning white to idk tht r mildew never seen tht b4 can you bend the plant over some to get it further from the light put ur hand on top the bud if its to hot for you its deff to hot for the plant 12 inches would be alot better !

Cajun Grower

Active Member
on the other hand idk if mildew would survive tht close i run a 600hps fan cooled and i couldnt put it tht close bcuz of the heat !


Active Member
Let me get this straight. You have a 1000W HPS inches from your plant and you are wondering what the issue is? Really?


Let me get this straight. You have a 1000W HPS inches from your plant and you are wondering what the issue is? Really?
I didnt mention in this thread, but this plant has been inches away from the 1000 watter the entire time as evidenced in my weekly videos with no problems. Only in the last week has it turned albino. The light is air cooled, I can touch the glass and not burn myself. I don't believe that is the issue, but it could be. But why would it take so long to cause this.