So i decided not to riskk mold for a marginal difference in density and weight at this point, These are just the top colas and the nodes that hugged the main stalk's, anything that had its own "main stalk" is still finishing as they werent as thick as a fuckin pepsi can and hard as a rock...only had to cut a small amount of rot out of the innermost part of the densest colas...97% is all there as long as they dry in this god forsaken humid ass state!
Colas all cut up and drying on wax paper and cardboard with holes cut in it to aid in circulation, I am turning them all every 2 hours for the next 48.
I am goint to get a commercial dehumidifier for the big girls, imma have to as I want the widow to go 10 weeks...I was getting slight PM at 8 wks! IN WINTER!!!!