*** White Widow wilting and turning yellow w/Pics ***


Active Member
Hello everyone,
My White Label White Widow plant is wilting and turning yellow. It's about two weeks into flowering. I have an 6" airstone and air pump. I have a 12" inch fan circulating air. I have 3 daylight (Blue spectrum) 27 watt CFLs and 3 soft white (Red spectrum) 40 watt CFLs around the Aerogarden. I bought Fox Farm Grow Big, Big Bloom, and Tiger Bloom and I'm using their hydroponic feeding schedule. The middle plant (WW) currently looks wilted, droopy, and the leaves are starting to turn yellow. I have four other plants that are Snow White and seem to be doing fine. The past week the plants having been drinking a lot less water. Here are the current conditions.

ec: 2.5
pH: 5.8
ambient temperature: 80ºF
water temperature: 78ºF
humidity: 41%

Here is what the plant looked like on 12/22/08.

Here is what is looks like today 12/26/08

The attached pictures are more pictures of the bud sites and problems. Thanks in advance!!



Active Member
looks to me like too much heat or lack of water
Thanks for the reply, but I think it's the opposite as it gets a little below 60ºF at night. So it's possible that it's a temperature issue. I was thinking that it got so cold one of these past nights and shocked the plant hence the reason it's not drinking water. I'm hoping to hear from one of the many experts. Come out come out wherever you ARE.


Well-Known Member
wow how big is that thing?? is that in an aerogarden??

what water temps are you using??
it almost looks like my plants did when i over water

i was unaware an aero can support a plant that size


Active Member
Thanks for the reply. Yeah, it's a little over two feet. I let it veg way too long and it became very bushy. The current water temperature is 72ºF. The plant is much WORSE today. Help!!


Well-Known Member
I have also grown a variation of WW in cold weather. This will not be the result of solely cold temperatures. The cold will only make vegetation and perhaps bud growth slow by about 1/4 speed in my case.

Keep your temperatures at a minimum of 60. Optimum would be 70-75 F

Your water temperatures are way to HIGH. Especially in aeroponics you want your solution to stay at a maximum of 68 degrees. The most likely problem of this condition going unchecked is ROOT ROT.

GIVE US SOME PICTURES OF YOUR ROOTS and we will go from there. Sorry for the holiday destruction.... *tear*

that is also a lot of plant for a tiny aero as said b4.


Active Member
Thanks for the reply. I can't believe how this plant transformed in a matter of days. It looks really bad today and it's getting worse. It's not drinking as much water as it did before either. Here are the latest pictures. Do you think I'm going to lose it? Any feedback is greatly appreciated!



Well-Known Member
ok, that looks like a pretty sever case of K deficiency coupled with mg. my guess is you have not done a thorough flush in the last 30 days. I see alot of evidence of toxic salt build up-which can actually reverse the osmotic pressure in the plant-I see quite often K and mg getting locked out due to high salinity. if this is the case, you are probably getting some bud rot now as well.


Active Member
Well, I definitely have something going on with the root of that WW. I think it's going to die if it's not already dead. I just flushed the reservoir today and put in pH'd distilled water. Thanks for all the responses... Any ideas how to save it?



Well-Known Member
the roots dont like that bad, but is that stem black? poke it with the end of a paperclip and see if it is mushy. if this is the case, than she is pob a gonner. either way, drain that res and leave empty for like 4-6 hours and see if she picks back up. if she does, than leave empty for another 4-6 hours


Active Member
the roots dont like that bad, but is that stem black? poke it with the end of a paperclip and see if it is mushy. if this is the case, than she is pob a gonner. either way, drain that res and leave empty for like 4-6 hours and see if she picks back up. if she does, than leave empty for another 4-6 hours
Yeah when I drained the reservoir I noticed that part of the stem is black. Would leaving the reservoir dry with no water hurt my other plants that are also in the aerogarden? Thanks for helping me out.


Well-Known Member
Yeah when I drained the reservoir I noticed that part of the stem is black. Would leaving the reservoir dry with no water hurt my other plants that are also in the aerogarden? Thanks for helping me out.
I will tell you that something is wrong with your roots. It is absolutely new to me with the black stem and the weird wart looking things where your roots should be....mebe a close up of that particular root structure/blackhole would be nice.

For the most part they appear healthy and unrotted. To confirm this simply pull on one root piece. If it pulls off like a piece of skin on a leper then you have rot, if it gives you some resistance and they stay white like that your good. You shouldn't need more root space, but veg less next time....its aero.


Well-Known Member
do not allow your roots to be suspended in nothingness for longer than 7mins. IF you are removing this black dead plant, how do you expect to remove only its roots and not the other plants?


Well-Known Member
you may need to DRIVE to a local store and get a root stimulator and or cleaner/enhancer. You are using fox farm nutrients which i will assume are organic and not chemical. In this case you should check out Hygrozyme.

If this fox farm is a chemical nute you will need to use 35% horticultural grade h2o2 (peroxide) or sm90.

Drive and or Same day ship that stuff...in aero your window for saving roots is short.


Well-Known Member
you may also have deficiencies and or burn, but your other plants look fine-good so I don't know why people are saying that. Def take care of the roots 1st and just back off your nutes a bit until this is over.

Lower nute loads creates higher dissolved oxygen in the res, which is a good thing for roots also.


Well-Known Member
it is fine to have the roots suspeneded in 'nothingness' for awhile. even states somewhere it encourages growth. I didnt know you have them all in the same res. if ur others look healthy than just get rid of it. eventually it will infect the others. considering how long it will take to get proper supplies, just go with h202 for now in the res. like tablespoon per gallon or slightly less. and get some air in the root zone as well. the humidity that builds in unopened res's can kill ya


Well-Known Member
it is fine to have the roots suspeneded in 'nothingness' for awhile. even states somewhere it encourages growth. I didnt know you have them all in the same res. if ur others look healthy than just get rid of it. eventually it will infect the others. considering how long it will take to get proper supplies, just go with h202 for now in the res. like tablespoon per gallon or slightly less. and get some air in the root zone as well. the humidity that builds in unopened res's can kill ya
If he drains the entire res and leaves it for more than 7 mins i'd day thats a prob. for this system.

oxygen encourages growth yes, but dried out dead roots encourage death, no?

If u use the h2o2 dilute it in a large cup at least b4 u toss it in. Also let it sit out for at least 20 mins as the bottle recommends.

ya humidity bad....black unexplained mass of death is bader


Well-Known Member
it would take a lot longer than 7 minutes to dry them puppies out-u see the mass of them? would surely take a couple of hours. the whole osmotic pressure of this plant looks srewed up and this is a way to try to reverse it-seen it published a few places.
if he would stick that damn black mess can figure out to kill it or not.


Well-Known Member
osmotic pressure you say....i would like to kno more on this topic. Please link me to les articles you speak of if possible. Thanks Smokes

How r things today plane high